On 7th July 2017, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allāh be his Helper) delivered the Friday Sermon at Baitul Futūh Mosque, London.
Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: As we observe in the history of prophets, they face opposition after their claim. The fire of opposition and jealousy increases as their community grows. As prophets are sent by Allah the Almighty and He gives them glad tidings ofvictory, opposition never becomes a hindrance in the way to their success. When Allah the Almighty sent Promised Messiah(as) as the Messiah and Mahdi, he too was to be treated in accordance with this practice [of God]. Allah the Almighty informed him beforehand about various forms opposition and the miserable end of the opponents. God also informed him about the progress of his Community in the face of opposition.
Allah the Almighty revealed many revelations and one of them is as follows: [Translation]
"I will cause an increase of your true and sincere friends."
Then, there is another revelation, which is...: [Translation]
"I am with you and with all your dear ones."
Then Allah the Almighty said: [Translation]
"Such people will help you whom We shall inspire from Ourself."
Then He said: [Translation]
"I shall bestow honour upon you and shall foster you."
Yet another revelation is as follows: [Translation]
"Allah will help you from Himself."
Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) narrated some faith inspiring incidences in this regard. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said that these incidences on the one hand, became a means of increasing the faith for Ahmadis and, on the other hand, became signs of the truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat for others.
Nazir Da'wat IlAllah [Director of Preaching] at Qadian wrote that one of his mu'allim's [preacher's] went to his village before Ramadan to inform his relatives of the timings of Ramadan. A non-Ahmadi young man by the name of Iqbal came to the relative's house. Mu'allim sahib introduced himself saying that 'I am a mu'allim of the Ahmadiyya Community'. Upon [hearing] that, the person became furious with anger. The man became disrespectful and abusive towards Promised Messiah(as) and ahmadiyyat.
Mu'allim sahib said that, we have been taught to reply with prayers in response to abuse. The man warned him that, 'if you're seen in this village ever again then you will face an evil end.' The mu'allim sahib said that only time will tell who will face an evil end. Later, Maulvi Iqbal, who had verbally abused the Jama'at, suddenly died of heart attack. This incident, not only increased the faith of the members of the Jama'at in that tiny village but also greatly influenced the non-Ahmadis as they saw this support of Allah the Almighty for the Promised Messiah(as) .
Ghanim Sahib from Yemen writes 'Since I became an Ahmadi, I have been doing tabligh [preaching]. 'In the Ramadan of 2010, my neighbour and a few of his friends took me to talk to a Sheikh [scholar] in Jamiatul Iman. The Sheikh was rather respectable but the others became disrespectful and even challenged me to a prayer duel. I accepted the challenge. Thereafter the youths started to intimidate me and hinder me from spreading the message. I prayed 'Oh Allah manifest Your power to them'." He then says, "Subsequently, after one or two days these youngsters began to fight amongst themselves and within a month those youths went away. Their Jamia also became a pile of debris due to the bombing."
The missionary sahib of Ivory Coast writes that he went with a local missionary to a village to do Tabligh and informed them about the advent of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. Initially fifteen people accepted Ahmadiyyat, including the village Imam. Despite opposition, community progressed. Then the non-Ahmadi Maulvies went to the local king. The king called local jamaat president sahib and told him to leave Ahmadiyyat or he will expel ahmadies from the land. The Sadr sahib replied that we would leave the village but we will never leave Ahmadiyyat. Then the king had a change of heart and told him that you do not have to leave the village and do as you please.
The missionary sahib of Benin writes that we do Tabligh [preaching] through a radio program on a weekly basis. The director of this radio channel started opposing us. The works of God are such that he was fired due to allegations of corruption. We invited the newly appointed director to the mission house and he was informed about the teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Then after some time this new director said he will allow us to have another weekly programme free of charge.
Ahmad Sahib from Egypt says that he performed Istikhara prayer and saw the house of the Promised Messiah(as) i.e. Dar-ul-Masih in his dream.
Ahmad Dervaish Sahib from Syria states that 'although I was a Muslim but I was not very religious. In 2008 my brother accepted Ahmadiyyat. I started to read jama'at books to the point that in my heart I accepted Ahmadiyyat I had previously joined the group, which opposed the Syrian government. However, after my decision to accept Ahmadiyyat, I heard the sermons of Khalifatul Masih on this subject and immediately withdrew from activities against the government.'
A Moroccan man Abdul Karim Sahib says, 'after doing my research I came to the conclusion that the Ahmadiyya Community is a divine community. After reading Minhaj-ul-Talibeen the doubts preventing me from doing the Bai'at were removed and I was ready to do the Bai'at with the full content of the heart.'
A lady from Yemen, Iman Sahiba, states, 'Right from my childhood I longed to live till the time of the Imam Mahdi and would pray for this. In 2009 my younger brother told me that he saw on a TV channel that some people were announcing the advent of the Imam Mahdi. I started to watch MTA and after seeking satisfaction regarding all the points I had, I wrote to do Bai'at in January 2010."
Another gentlemen from Yemen states: "I joined various communities, but never found true Islam. Since I began watching the teachings of Islam being explained on MTA, I noticed a change in my condition. It was during these days that I saw myself in a vision. I realised the errors of my ways and God Almighty granted me the opportunity to perform the Bai'at [oath of initiation] in 2012."
Huzoor (May Allah be his Helper) said: Thus, despite all the Satanic onslaught by our opponents, God Almighty guides the pure natured individuals by opening their hearts and enabling them to accept Ahmadiyyat. God Almighty informed the Promised Messiah (as):
"God Almighty will exalt your name until this world ceases to exist and will spread your message to the ends of the earth."
God Almighty then stated:
"Those people who set out to humiliate you, and are intent on seeing you fail, in addition they wish to destroy you, will themselves be ruined. They will die a death of misery and defeat."
I will grant you followers who are truly sincere with you from the depths of their hearts. I will increase your following and bless their wealth. I will grant salvation to the majority among them and grant them victory over the other Muslim sects until the Day of Judgement."
Meaning that the other sects of Islam will continue to exist, however, God Willing, it is the Ahmadiyya Community that will reign supreme.
God Almighty then further stated:
"The covetous enemies from among the other Muslim sects will not be overlooked or forgotten by God Almighty."
Which means that he will grant the believers a reward according to the level of their sincerity.
Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: I will present an extract from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) where he stated:
"Do they [i.e. our opponents] believe that through their schemes, baseless allegations and fabrications or derision that they will prevent the Will of God from succeeding, or through their deception they wish to keep the world bereft from receiving its blessings? God Almighty has decreed this in the heavens. If in the past the opponents of the truth had some success, then they may still succeed. However, if it is an established fact that the opponents of God who oppose His heavenly decree always suffer humiliation and defeat, then for such people there is a day that is decreed for their downfall. The decree of God has never been wasted nor will it in the future. God Almighty states: "[Arabic] Allah has decreed:
'Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers."
Therefore, since I am His messenger and chosen one without a new Sharia or claim or name – rather I have been given the name of our honourable Prophet, the Seal of the Prophets (sa) and have come as his reflection – therefore I say to you that just as this verse proved to be true in the previous era, i.e. from the time of Prophet Adam (as) up until the Holy Prophet (sa), therefore it will still prove to be true in my favour." God Willing
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