Night View of Minara-tul-Masih, Qadian
One of the signs of the advent of the Promised Messiah as described by The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was that he will be raised near a white minaret east of Damascus. Although the real meaning of the minaret is symbolic. It was the practice of Promised Messiah to endeavour to fulfill every prophecy in its literal form as well. For this reason and in accordance with Divine Instructions he laid the foundation stone of this minaret on Friday 13th, March 1903.
In his life time it was raised to 6 feet, then due to lack of funds the work on the structure had to be suspended. It was resumed by the Khalifa-tul-Masih II by laying a brick again on 27th November, 1914. The structure was completed, in the cost of Rs. 5,963 (excluding the 6 feet of first phase) in early 1916. It has three stages, 92 steps and the total height is about 105 feet. The clock was fixed in 1933. The minaret was designed by Syed Abdul Rashid and supervision of the second phase of construction was carried out by Qazi Abdul Rahim Bhatti.
In 1938-39, during the time of Khalifa-tul-Masih II, the minaret was coated with plaster of white marble. It was veneered with white marble slabs in the total cost of Rs. 8,021,35.51 in 1980-81 in the time of Khalifa-tul-Masih III. Qadian is situated to the east of Damascus and the white minaret is the sign of peace and proclaims the Advent of the Prince of Peace, The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Darul-Aman pg. 68)