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Hazrat Suwaad bin Ghazyah(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - July 20, 2018 )


There was a companion whose name was Hazrat Suwaad bin Ghazyah(ra) who was an Ansari and was from the Banu Adi bin Najar tribe. He took part in the Battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and the battles that took place afterwards. He imprisoned Khalid Bin Hisham Makhzoomi in the Battle of Badr. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet(sa) sent him as the collector of revenue in Khayber. He returned with excellent dates and the Holy Prophet(sa) purchased around 3 kilograms of the high quality dates from him in return for around 7 kilograms of normal dates. (Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 2, p. 590, Suwaad bin Ghazyah(ra), Dar-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)

The Holy Prophet(sa) liked the dates so he purchased them for its actual price by exchanging dates in return.

Hazrat Suwaad’s blessed fortune and love for the Holy Prophet(sa)

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib writes in his book in relation to the Battle of Badr about Hazrat Suwaad’s blessed fortune and love for the Holy Prophet(sa). He writes,

“It was Friday 17 Ramadan 2 A.H. or 14 March 623 A.D., according to the Christian calendar system. In the morning, Salat was first offered and then these worshippers of Divine Unity fell into prostration before the One God, in an open field. After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) delivered an address on Jihad. When light began to appear, the Holy Prophet(sa) began to arrange the Muslim ranks with the indication of an arrow. A Companion by the name of Sawaad was standing somewhat ahead of his row. The Holy Prophet(sa) used his arrow to indicate that he should move back in line. It so happened however, that the wooden part of the arrow belonging to the Holy Prophet(sa) touched his chest, whereupon he boldly protested, ‘O Messenger of Allah! God has sent you with the truth and justice, but you have unjustly poked me with your arrow. By God, I insist upon retribution.’ The Companions were shocked, as to what had gotten into Sawaad. However, the Holy Prophet(sa) stated with extreme affection, ‘Alright Sawaad, you may poke me with an arrow as well,’ and the Holy Prophet(sa) lifted the cloth upon his chest. In his immense love, Sawaad stepped forward and kissed the chest of the Holy Prophet(sa). The Holy Prophet(sa) smiled and enquired, ‘Why did you devise this plan?’ He responded with a trembling voice, ‘O Messenger of Allah! The enemy is before us. There is no telling whether I shall live to return or not. It was my desire, therefore, to touch your blessed body before my martyrdom.’” (Seerat Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib(ra), pp. 357-358), (Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 2, p. 590, Suwaad bin Ghazyah(ra), Dar-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)

The Holy Prophet(sa) then prayed for his welfare.

These Companions had wonderful ways of expressing their love and affection for the Holy Prophet(sa). A similar incident of Hazrat Okasha(ra) has been related but that took place much later, in the latter part of his life, however this took place much earlier. They would constantly be trying to find an opportunity to not only express their love for the Holy Prophet(sa) but also ways to seek the blessings from his nearness.

May God Almighty continue to elevate the station of these shining stars and enable us to understand the true love for the Holy Prophet(sa).