بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Aus bin Khauli Ansari(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - March 1, 2019 )


Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli Ansari’s title was Abu Layla and he belonged to the Banu Salim bin Ghanam bin Auf branch of the Khazraj tribe of the Ansar. His mother’s name was Jameela bint Ubayy, who was the sister of Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool. He had one daughter named Fushum. He participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet(sa) including the battles of Badr, Uhud and the Ditch. The Holy Prophet(sa) established a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Shujaa(ra) bin Wahab al-Asadi. Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli was counted amongst the Kamileen. In the days of ignorance and in the early days of Islam, one who knew how to write Arabic, was an expert in archery and was a good swimmer would be called a Kamil. All three of these qualities were found in Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 1, p. 320, Aus(ra) bin Khauli, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, pp. 409-410, Aus(ra) bin Khauli, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

Miracle at the Time of the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah

Hazrat Najiah bin A‘jam narrates:

“At the time of the treaty of Hudaibiyyah, when the complaint was made to the Holy Prophet(sa) of a lack of water, he called me, took out an arrow from his quiver and handed it over to me. He then requested a bucket of water be brought to him from the well, so I brought it to him. He performed the ablution and after rinsing his mouth he poured the water back into the bucket. At the time, the people were suffering from the severe heat and there was only one well for the Muslims as the idolaters had quickly reached Baldah and taken control of its water storages. The Holy Prophet(sa) then addressed me saying, ‘Pour the water of this bucket in the well which has dried up and embed the arrow in its water.’ Hence, I proceeded to do so and I swear by the One Who sent him with the truth that I only managed to climb out of that well with great difficulty. In other words, the water began to rise and flow over immediately until it surrounded me on all sides. It was rising just as water boils in a cooking pot to the point where it had reached the top and was level to the brim. The people were collecting the water from the top until even the last man was able to quench his thirst. A group of hypocrites were also present at the well that day, among whom was Abdullah bin Ubayy, who was the maternal uncle of Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli. Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli said to him, ‘O Abul Hubbab, woe unto you, will you not now accept this miracle which you have witnessed for yourself? (Accept the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet(sa)). What more do you need?’ He replied, ‘I have witnessed many things like this.’ Thereupon, Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli answered, ‘May Allah cause you to ruin and prove your opinion wrong.’ Abdullah bin Ubayy went to the Holy Prophet(sa) and the Holy Prophet(sa) said to him, ‘O Abul Hubbab, when have you ever seen something previously as you witnessed today?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) had heard of this [i.e. Abdullah bin Ubayy’s response] and therefore enquired this from him. He replied, ‘I have never witnessed something like this before.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) then asked, ‘Why did you then say such a thing?’ i.e. the reply he gave to his nephew. Abdullah bin Ubayy answered, ‘Astaghfirullah [I seek forgiveness from Allah].’ Abdullah bin Ubayy’s son, Abdullah bin Abdillah then said, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah, pray for his forgiveness’, upon which the Holy Prophet(sa) prayed for his forgiveness.” (Subul al-Huda, Vol. 5, p. 41, Baab Ghazwah al-Hudabiyyah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1993) (Imtau al-Asma, Vol. 1, p. 284, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1999).

The Holy Prophet’s(sa) Marriage Proposal for Hazrat Memoona(ra)

Hazrat Ali(ra) bin Abdullah bin Abbas narrates that when the Holy Prophet(sa) decided that he would go to Mecca to perform Umrah [pilgrimage], he sent Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli and Abu Rafey(ra) to Hazrat Abbas(ra) with a marriage proposal for Hazrat Memoona(ra). On the course of the journey, they lost their camels. They remained in the valley of Rabigh, which was situated ten miles from Johfah, until the Holy Prophet(sa) arrived, at which point they found their camels again. They then travelled with the Holy Prophet(sa) to Mecca and upon arrival, they conveyed the message to Hazrat Abbas(ra). Hazrat Memoona(ra) had entrusted her matter to Hazrat Abbas(ra). The Holy Prophet(sa) went to visit Hazrat Abbas(ra), who then gave Hazrat Memoona(ra) in marriage to the Holy Prophet(sa). (Sharah Allama Zarqani, Vol. 4, p. 423, Maimoona Ummul Momineen, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1996) (Mujam al-Buldan, Vol. 3, p. 12, Rabigh, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)

Burial Arrangements for the Holy Prophet(sa)

When the Holy Prophet(sa) passed away, Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli said to Hazrat Ali(ra) bin Abi Talib: “By God! Allow me to assist in the burial arrangements of the Holy Prophet(sa).” Upon this, Hazrat Ali(ra) granted him permission.

In another narration it states that when the Holy Prophet(sa) passed away and they were about to perform ghusl [wash the body], the Ansar came and said, “By God, we are related to the Holy Prophet(sa) from his mother’s side, therefore one of us should also be present (i.e. the Ansar were related to the Holy Prophet(sa) from his mother’s side). Subsequently, the Ansar were then asked to appoint someone, and they chose Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli. He entered the room and was part of the Ghusl and the burial arrangements. Hazrat Aus(ra) was a very strong man and would carry the water can himself and thus provide the water. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 1, p. 320, Aus(ra) bin Khauli, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Assaba, Vol. 1, p. 299 Aus(ra) bin Khauli, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1995)

Hazrat Ibn Abbas(ra) relates that Hazrat Ali(ra), Hazrat Fazl bin Abbas(ra), his brother Qusam, Shukran, who was the freed slave of the Holy Prophet(sa) and Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli stood below in the grave of the Holy Prophet(sa) in order to place his blessed body into the grave. (Sunan Ibn Maja, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Baab Wafaatahu Wa Dafanahu, Hadith 1628)

Demise and Advice from the Holy Prophet (sa)

Hazrat Aus(ra) bin Khauli relates that he once presented himself before the Holy Prophet(sa) and the Holy Prophet(sa) said to him, “O Aus! One who adopts humility and meekness for the sake of God Almighty, He in turn elevates his status. And one who is arrogant, God Almighty humiliates him.” (Marifatul Sahaba Li Abi Naeem, Vol. 1, p. 279, Aus(ra), Hadith 975, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 2002).

This indeed is a very important lesson for us all which we should always be mindful of Hazrat Aus bin Khauli passed away in Medina during the Khilafat of Hazrat Uthman(ra) (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 1, p. 321, Aus(ra) bin Khauli, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003).