بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

Al Islam

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Hazrat Rafay bin Yazid(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - March 1, 2019 )

Background, Participation in Battles and Martyrdom

According to one narration, his name has been recorded as Rafay(ra) bin Zaid. Hazrat Rafay(ra) bin Yazid belonged to the Banu Zaoora bin Abdil Ashhal branch of the Aus tribe of the Ansar. Hazrat Rafay’s(ra) mother, Aqrab bint Mu‘az, was the sister of the famous companion, Hazrat Sa‘d bin Mu‘az(ra). Hazrat Rafay(ra) had two sons – Usaid and Abdur Rahman – from Aqrab bint Salama. Hazrat Rafay(ra) participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud. According to one narration, he was traveling on the camel of Saeed bin Zaid(ra) on the day of the Battle of Badr. He was martyred during the Battle of Uhud. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 337, Rafey bin Yazid(ra), Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990), (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 235, Rafey bin Yazid(ra)Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003).