بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Khawwat bin Jubair Ansari(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - March 1, 2019 )

Background and Participation in Battles

Hazrat Khawwat(ra) bin Jubair Ansari’s title was Abu Abdullah as well as Abu Saleh. He belonged to the tribe of Banu Tha‘labah. Hazrat Khawwat(ra) bin Jubair was the brother of Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair. Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair was the one who was appointed by the Holy Prophet(sa) during the battle of Uhud to protect the valley along with fifty archers. Hazrat Khawwat(ra) was of moderate height. He passed away in Medina in 40 AH at the age of 74. According to one narration, his age at the time of his demise was 94. He used to dye his hair with henna and indigo leaves. Hazrat Khawwat(ra) left for the Battle of Badr along with the Holy Prophet(sa), however on the way, he sustained an injury from a sharp corner of a stone and so the Holy Prophet(sa) sent him back to Medina. Nevertheless, the Holy Prophet(sa) included him in the spoils of the Battle of Badr. Thus, it was as if he too was counted among those individuals, who participated in the Battle of Badr. He participated alongside the Holy Prophet(sa) in all battles, including the battles of Uhud and the Ditch.

Incident at Marr-e-Zahran

Hazrat Khawwat(ra) relates: “We once stopped at a place called Marr-e-Zahran along with the Holy Prophet(sa). I came out of my tent and saw some women talking. Seeing this, I was intrigued to listen in to their conversation. Hence, I went back, put on a cloak and sat beside them.” He disguised himself and sat down there in order to hear what the women were saying. “In the meanwhile, the Holy Prophet(sa) came out of his tent. When I saw the Holy Prophet(sa), I became startled and immediately stood up and said to the Holy Prophet(sa) that my camel had run away and that I was searching for it. The Holy Prophet(sa) carried on walking and I followed him. The Holy Prophet(sa) gave me the cloak he was wearing and went into an area of bushes to answer the call of nature. Thereafter, he performed the ablution and returned. Drops of water were falling from his beard onto his chest. Following this, the Holy Prophet(sa) in a light hearted manner asked me, ‘O Abdullah! What did the camel do?’” Since the camel was not lost and the Holy Prophet(sa) realised that he was merely sitting there in order to listen to the conversation which was not appropriate. “But nevertheless, we set off again. Following this, whenever the Holy Prophet(sa) met me, he would say Salam to me and ask ‘O Abu Abdullah! What did the camel do?’ When this began to happen and the Holy Prophet (sa) would continuously say this to me in a light-hearted manner, I began to keep myself discreet in Medina and would no longer go to the mosque and the gatherings of the Holy Prophet(sa). After quite some time, I went to the mosque and stood up for prayer. The Holy Prophet(sa) also came out of his residence and offered two Rak‘as [units] of prayer. I kept prolonging my prayer with the intention that the Holy Prophet(sa) would return and not say anything. However, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Abu Abdullah! You may prolong the prayer as much as you like, but I will remain here’. Thus, in my heart I said, ‘By God! I will apologise to the Holy Prophet (sa) and clarify the matter.’ When I completed the prayer, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Abu Abdullah! May peace be upon you. What was the matter concerning the camel that ran away?’ I replied, ‘By Him, Who has sent you with the truth! Since I accepted Islam, that camel has not run away.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) repeated three times, ‘May Allah have mercy on you.’ Following this, the Holy Prophet(sa) never said anything to me in relation to this.” (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, pp. 362-364, Abdullah bin Jubair, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 290, Khawwat bin Jubair, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003)

In other words, the Holy Prophet(sa) made him realise that firstly, he should not have concealed the matter from him for he knew what the truth of the matter was. Secondly, it is inappropriate to sit in other people’s gatherings in this manner in order to listen in to their conversations.

Advice of the Holy Prophet(sa)

Hazrat Khawwat(ra) narrates:

“The Holy Prophet(sa) visited me once when I was sick. After I had fully recovered, he said, ‘O Khawwat, you have been restored to full health. Hence, fulfil your covenant with Allah.’ I submitted, ‘I have not promised Allah anything.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘There is not a single person who, when suffering from an illness, does not take an oath or vows to do something in return for good health (indeed, one vows to God Almighty that he will do such and such if granted good health). Therefore, fulfil your covenant with God Almighty and stay true to the pledge you have made.’” (Mustadrik Ala Al-Sahihain, Vol. 3, p.467, Hadith no. 5750, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002)

Delegation Towards the Banu Quraizah

On the occasion of the Battle of the Ditch, the Holy Prophet(sa) sent a delegation towards the Banu Quraizah when he found out about their rebellion and the fact that they had breached the agreement during the battle. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) has written about this incident in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin [The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets]. He writes:

“When the Holy Prophet(sa) received news of this dangerous treachery of the Banu Quraizah. Initially, the Holy Prophet(sa) dispatched Zubair bin Awwam(ra) to obtain intelligence in secret two or three times. Then, after this, the Holy Prophet(sa) formally sent Sa‘d bin Muaz(ra) and Sa‘d bin Ubadah(ra), who were chieftains of the Aus and Khazraj tribes along with a few other influential companions in the form of a delegation towards the Banu Quraizah; and strictly instructed that if there was troubling news, it should not be publicly disclosed when they returned, rather, secrecy should be maintained so that people were not made apprehensive. When these people reached the dwellings of Banu Quraizah and approached Ka‘b bin Asad, this evil man confronted them in a very arrogant manner. When the two Sa‘ds spoke of the treaty, Ka‘b and the people of his tribe turned wicked and said, ‘Be gone! There is no treaty between Muhammad(sa) and us.’ Upon hearing these words, this delegation of Companions set off. Sa‘d bin Mu‘az(ra), and Sa‘d bin Ubadah(ra) then presented themselves before the Holy Prophet(sa) and informed him of the state of affairs in an appropriate manner.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), pp. 584-585)

Hazrat Khawwat (ra) bin Jubair’s name is also mentioned amongst the companions who were part of the delegation. (Sirat Ibn Hisham, p. 456, Dar ibn Hazam, 2009)

According to another narration, the Holy Prophet(sa) sent Hazrat Khawwat(ra) towards the Banu Quraizah on his horse, and the name of this horse was Janah. (Mustadrik Ala Al-Sahihain, Vol. 3, p.466, Hadith no. 5747, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002)

Incident With Hazrat Umar(ra)

Hazrat Khawwat(ra) narrates:

“Once we set out for pilgrimage with Hazrat Umar(ra). Hazrat Abu Ubaidah(ra) bin Jarrah and Hazrat Abdur Rahman(ra) bin Auf were part of this delegation. People requested that someone should present the poetry of Zaraar(ra) bin Khattab (the poet from Mecca who had accepted Islam during the victory of Mecca). Hazrat Umar(ra) instructed, ‘Let Abu Abdullah(ra) (i.e. Khawwat) present his poetry.’ When I heard this, I presented my poetry until dawn. It was only then that Hazrat Umar(ra) asked me to stop as it was the time of dawn.” (Al-Isabatu Fi Tamyiz Al-Sahaba, Vol. 2, p. 292, Al-Khawwat bin Jubair, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1995) (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 6, p. 10, Zaraar(ra) bin Khattab, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)