Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Waqf-e-nau from the UK.
In the Friday Sermon, Huzoor spoke once again about the excellences of the Holy Qur’an.
0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqf-e-nau from the UK.
1:38 – When I go to secondary school I plan to wear a Hijab. I’m nervous about the reaction of others. Can Huzoor give some advice?
2:58 – How were the 73 sects of Islam formed?
6:24 – Can a Waqf-e-nau child become a footballer?
07:15 – Huzoor has visited many countries. Which is your favourite and why?
8:45 – Why has Allah created bad people in the World?
11:08 – Allah knows what will happen in the future, so why does He allow His servants to face hardship?
14:50 – Why do other Muslims kiss the Holy Qur’an and are we allowed to do so?
16:02 – In my school, people ask me who eats first in your family and why can you not draw pictures of animals and people?
17:55 – What is the best prayer I can read for my parents?
19:19 – Friday Sermon Clip 10 Feb 2023