Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) grants an interview to Italian journalist Marco Respinti for an upcoming documentary.
In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) spoke regarding the expedition of Banu Mustaliq.
0:00 – Intro.
0:32 – Introduction of interview by Marco Respinti, a journalist from Italy.
1:18 – Huzoor(aba) explains the history of anti-Ahmadi laws passed in Pakistan in 1974.
3:53 – Huzoor(aba) elaborates on the role of UN in today’s world.
4:53 – How would Huzoor(aba) solve the issues facing the world today?
6:40 – Who can bring justice to the world?
7:10 – Among many Muslim’s, the word Jihad is used with a violent connotation, can Huzoor(aba) explain the concept of Jihad?
9:43 – Many non-Muslims in the West associate Islam with the subjugation of women. What is Huzoor’s view on the role of women in Islam?
12:59 – Why do Ahmadi Muslim’s have a strong devotion to the shroud in Turin, which is of much importance to Christianity?
14:53 – Friday Sermon Clip 12 July 2024 – Appeal for prayers in the month of Muharram.