(March 10th, 2025)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (a.b.a) has stated the following in writing:
Regarding the recitation of the Holy Quran by women during their menstrual days, the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: لَا تَقْرَأُ الْحَائِضُ وَلَا الْجُنُبُ شیئًا مِنَ الْقُرْآن
“Neither a menstruating woman nor a person in a state of major impurity should recite any part of the Quran.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab Al-Taharah, Bab: Fil Junubi walha-izi Annahuma la Yaqra-aniil Qurana)
Hazrat Masih-e-Maud (a.s) also gave the same ruling on this matter. Hazrat Umm Nasir(ra), the first wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra), narrates:
“I, along with some other women, used to go to Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nooruddin(ra), Khalifatul Masih I, to study the translation of the Holy Quran. One of the women was menstruating. When we passed by Hazrat Masih-e-Maud(as) and Hazrat Amma Jan with the Holy Quran, Hazrat Amma Jan asked Hazrat Masih-e-Maud(as), ‘Is it permissible to touch the Holy Quran in this state?’ He replied, ‘When Allah Almighty has granted them leave during these days, why shouldn’t we? Tell them not to read the Holy Quran during these days.'” (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Volume II, Page 243, Narration No. 1419, Published May 2008)
Similarly, Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra), while explaining the interpretation of the Quranic verse:
فَکُلِیۡ وَاشۡرَبِیۡ وَقَرِّیۡ عَیۡنًا ۚ فَاِمَّا تَرَیِنَّ مِنَ الۡبَشَرِ اَحَدًا ۙ فَقُوۡلِیۡۤ اِنِّیۡ نَذَرۡتُ لِلرَّحۡمٰنِ صَوۡمًا فَلَنۡ اُکَلِّمَ الۡیَوۡمَ اِنۡسِیًّا
(Surah Maryam: 27), stated:
“This also indicates that the remembrance of Allah is not prohibited during menstruation or postnatal bleeding. Some people mistakenly think that in such a state, even the remembrance of Allah in the heart is not allowed, whereas if the remembrance of Allah were forbidden, spirituality would die entirely. In fact, some scholars even consider verbal remembrance permissible.” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Volume VII, Page 229, Published UK 2023)
Similarly, after the establishment of Rabwah, on 5 April 1949, during the first Annual Convention held on the land of Rabwah, Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) recited some Quranic prayers in a loud voice during his opening speech and instructed the audience to repeat them after him. Since women were also present in the gathering, he provided guidance regarding women in their special days, stating:
“Women who are in such a state during these days that they cannot recite the Holy Quran aloud should repeat these verses in their hearts. And those women for whom it is permissible to recite the Quran during these days should do so verbally. However, those women for whom it is not permissible to recite it aloud should only repeat the verses in their hearts. Because where the Shariah has prohibited women from reciting the Holy Quran during these days, Allah has not said that they should not even bring such thoughts into their hearts or not even repeat them in their minds. The only command is that they should not recite them verbally. In fact, according to some jurists, only touching the Holy Quran is prohibited. However, as a precaution, it is best to follow the practice that has been widely adopted by Muslims. So instead of reciting verbally, they should keep repeating the verses in their hearts.” (Daily Al-Fazl Rabwah No. 298, Volume 49/14, Dated 25 December 1960, Page 5)
Thus, my stance on this matter aligns with that of Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra), based on the Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and the guidance of Hazrat Masih-e-Maud(as). I have previously provided clear responses on several occasions that a woman can recall any part of the Holy Quran that she has memorized during her menstrual days as a form of remembrance. Additionally, if necessary, she can hold the Holy Quran with a clean cloth and can read a portion of it for referencing or for teaching children, but she should not engage in formal recitation of the Holy Quran.
Similarly, during these days, a woman is not permitted to formally recite the Holy Quran on a computer or similar devices where she does not physically touch it. However, for necessary purposes, such as searching for references or showing someone a verse, she may utilize digital versions of the Quran. There is no harm in this.