(Friday Sermon - October 12, 2018 )
Background and Participation in Battles
Hazrat Aamir bin Bukair was from the Banu Sa‘d tribe. Hazrat Aamir bin Bukair took part in the Battle of Badr and his brothers Hazrat Iyaas bin Bukair, Hazrat Aqil bin Bukair and Hazrat Khalid bin Bukair fought alongside him during the Battle of Badr. All of them participated in the rest of the battles with the Holy Prophet(sa). Furthermore, these brothers all accepted Islam in Dar-e-Arqam. Hazrat Aamir bin Bukair was martyred during the Battle of Yamama. (Al-Istiaab Fi Marifti Al-Ashaab, Vol. 2, p. 788, Aamir bin Bukair, Dar-ul-Jeel, Beirut, 1992)