بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian(as)Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - December 28, 2018 )

Background and Participation in Battles

Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair was among the seventy Ansar, who participated in the second pledge of initiation at Aqabah. He participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud and was martyred during the Battle of Uhud. (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 362, Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

The Acceptance of Islam of Abul Aas

Hazrat Abul Aas(ra), who was the husband of Hazrat Zainab(ra) – daughter of the Holy Prophet(sa) – participated in the Battle of Badr with the idolaters and Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair captured him.

Mentioning the details of this incident, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) Sahib has written in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin [The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa)]:

“In the Battle of Badr, when Abul Aas, the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet(sa), was captured, his wife, Zainab(ra), who still resided in Mecca, sent some of her possessions as a ransom which included a necklace. This was the same necklace which Hazrat Khadija(ra) gave her in her bride’s paraphernalia. When the Holy Prophet(sa) saw this necklace, he was reminded of the late Khadija(ra) and his eyes filled with tears. The Holy Prophet(sa) said to his companions, ‘If you wish, return the reminiscence of Khadija(ra) to her daughter.’ They needed a single indication, and the necklace was immediately returned. Instead of taking a ransom in the form of money and commodities, the Holy Prophet(sa) made a deal with Abul Aas to go to Mecca and send Zainab(ra) to Medina. In this manner, a believing soul was freed from the abode of disbelief. A short while later, Abul Aas also became a Muslim and migrated to Medina and in this manner, the husband and wife were reunited.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), p. 368)

Appointment as Leader of the Archers

During the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet(sa) appointed Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair as the leader of the fifty archers who were appointed to protect the pass located behind the Muslims. Some additional details written by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) Sahib are as follows:

“Putting his trust in God, the Holy Prophet(sa) marched forward and set up camp on a plain at the foot of mount Uhud, in such a manner that the mountain range fell behind the Muslims, and Medina was positioned in front of them, as it were. In this manner, the Holy Prophet(sa) managed to secure the rear side of the army … Thus, the plan which was devised by the Holy Prophet(sa) was to position fifty archers from among his Companions at this location under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair(ra), and emphatically instructed them not to leave this place under any circumstances, and that they should continue to shower the enemy with arrows.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) Sahib, p. 487)

Incidents From the Battle of Uhud

As mentioned earlier, the Holy Prophet(sa) was so greatly concerned for the security of this mountain pass that he repeatedly instructed Abdullah bin Jubair(ra):

“Look here, this mountain pass should not be left empty under any circumstances. Even if you see that we have become victorious, and the enemy has fled in defeat, do not leave this place; and if you see that the Muslims have been defeated, and the enemy has prevailed upon us, even then do not move from this place.”

Hazrat Bara(ra) bin Aazib relates:

“During one of the days of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet(sa) appointed Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair to command over the 50 foot soldiers. He told them emphatically:

“‘Even if you see that vultures are tearing away at our remains, do not move from this place until you receive an order from me. Even if you see us defeating the enemy and they begin fleeing, you must not leave this post until I command you to do so.’

“Thus the Muslims defeated the enemy and drove them away.”

Hazrat Bara(ra) further states:

“By God, I witnessed the disbelieving women holding up their clothes whilst fleeing, (in those days women would also accompany the men in battle to motivate them) to the extent that their anklets and calves were laid bare.”

“Whilst witnessing this, the companions of Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair said, ‘Let us go and collect the spoils of war. Our comrades have been victorious so what are you waiting for?’ Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair then said, ‘Have you forgotten the instructions given to us by the Holy Prophet(sa)?’ Those who wished to leave their position replied, ‘By God, we too will go to our companions and partake of the spoils of war. They are taking the loot so we shall take it too.’ When they reached there, they were made to turn back, and they came running back as they had experienced defeat. That is to say that the enemy launched an attack once again and what looked to be a victory turned into the opposite.”

Hazrat Bara(ra) relates, “It was this incident regarding which God Almighty stated, ‘When the Messenger was calling out to you from your rear.’” This is a verse from Surah Aal-e-Imran [of the Holy Quran]. “Only twelve Companions remained alongside the Holy Prophet(sa) and the disbelievers had martyred seventy of our men. During the Battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet(sa) and his Companions had taken 140 of the disbelieving men – 70 were captured and 70 were killed.

“Abu Sufyan exclaimed thrice, ‘Is Muhammad still alive among them?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) did not permit the Companions(ra) to reply to this. When Abu Sufyan saw that the defeat of the disbelievers had turned into victory and that they had subdued the Muslims after relaunching an attack, this was when he said, ‘Is Muhammad still alive among them?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) stopped the Companions(ra) from responding. He then asked three times, ‘Is the son of Abu Quhafah, i.e., Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) alive among them?’ He then asked three times, ‘Is Ibn Khattab, i.e., Hazrat Umar(ra) alive among them?’

“Thereafter, he returned to his confederates. The Holy Prophet(sa) prohibited them from answering on all three occasions. When Abu Sufyan had returned to his cohorts, he said that these three could have been their leaders and had now been killed. When Hazrat Umar(ra) heard this, he was unable to control himself and proclaimed, ‘O enemy of God! By God you have lied. Those who you have named are all alive. Much still remains of that which is unpleasant to you.’ Abu Sufyan responded by saying, ‘This battle serves as revenge for the Battle of Badr and war is like a pendulum; sometimes victory is yours and sometimes it is ours. You will find among the dead some who have had their noses and ears cut off (i.e., they were mutilated).’ He then said, ‘I did not order for this to happen, but I also do not deem it wrong.’ Abu Sufyan proceeded enthusiastically to recite the words,

 اُعْلُ هُبَل اُعْلُ هُبَل

‘Long live Hubul, long live Hubul!’ The Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Will you not reply to this?’ The Companions(ra) asked, ‘O Messenger (sa) of Allah, what shall we say in reply?’ The Holy Prophet(sa) answered, ‘Say اَللّٰهُ اَعْليٰ وَاَجَلُّ  that is to say, ‘Allah is the Highest and Most Glorious’. Abu Sufyan then said, ‘Our god Uzza is with us and you have no Uzza.’ On hearing this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, ‘Will you not respond to this?’”

Hazrat Bara bin Aazib states, “The Companions asked, ‘O Messenger(sa) of Allah, what shall we say in response?’ He then stated, اَللهُ مَوْلَانَا وَلَا مَوْليٰ لَكُمْ that is, ‘Allah is our Helper and you have no helper.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Jihad Wa Al-Sair, Hadith no. 3039)

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) has also written concerning this incident in great detail and has shed light upon the Battle of Uhud. He states:

“Those Muslims who made a ring round the Prophet(sa) but were driven back, ran forward again as soon as they saw the enemy withdrawing. They lifted the Prophet’s (sa) body from among the dead. Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah(ra) caught between his teeth the rings which had sunk into the Prophet’s (sa) cheeks and pulled them out, losing two teeth in the attempt. After a little while, the Prophet(sa) returned to consciousness. The guards who surrounded him sent out messengers to tell Muslims to assemble again. A disrupted force began to assemble. They escorted the Prophet(sa) to the foot of the hill. Abu Sufyan, the enemy commander, seeing these Muslim remnants, cried aloud, ‘We have killed Muhammad(sa).’ The Prophet(sa) heard the boastful cry but forbade the Muslims to answer, lest the enemy should know the truth and attack again and the exhausted and badly-wounded Muslims should have again to fight this savage horde. Not receiving a reply from the Muslims, Abu Sufyan became certain the Prophet(sa) was dead. He followed his first cry by a second and said, ‘We have also killed Abu Bakr(ra).’ The Prophet(sa) forbade Abu Bakr(ra) to make any reply. Abu Sufyan followed by a third, and said, ‘We have also killed Umar(ra).’ The Prophet(sa) forbade Umar(ra) also to reply. Upon this, Abu Sufyan cried that they had killed all three. Now Umar could not contain himself and cried, ‘We are all alive and, with God’s grace, ready to fight you and break your heads.’ Abu Sufyan raised the national cry:

اُعْلُ هُبَل۔ اُعْلُ هُبَل

That is, ‘Glory to Hubal. Glory to Hubal. For Hubal has put an end to Islam.’”

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) writes:

“The Prophet(sa) could not bear this boast against the One and Only God, Allah, for Whom he and the Muslims were prepared to sacrifice their all. He had refused to correct a declaration of his own death. He had refused to correct a declaration of the death of Abu Bakr(ra) and of Umar(ra) for strategic reasons. Only the remnants of his small force had been left. The enemy forces were large and buoyant. But now the enemy had insulted Allah. The Prophet(sa) could not stand such an insult. He became restless and passionately looked at the Muslims who surrounded him and said, ‘Why do you stand silently and make no reply to this insult to Allah, the Only God?’ The Muslims asked, ‘What shall we say, O Prophet(sa)?’ ‘Say:

اَللّٰهُ اَعْليٰ وَاَجَلُّ اَللهُ اَعْليٰ وَاَجَلُّ

“Allah alone is Great and Mighty. Allah alone is Great and Mighty. He alone is High and Honoured. He alone is High and Honoured.”’ This is how he informed the enemy that he was still alive.”

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) further writes:

“The Muslims shouted accordingly. This cry stupefied the enemy. They stood chagrined at the thought that the Prophet(sa) after all had not died. Before them stood a handful of Muslims, wounded and exhausted. To finish them was easy enough. But they dared not attack again. Content with the sort of victory they had won, they returned making a great show of rejoicing. (Dibacha Tafsirul Quran, Anwarul Uloom, Vol 20, pp. 252-253)

Whilst explaining a verse of the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) further writes:

فَلْيَحْذَرِ الَّذِينَ يُخَالِفُوْنَ عَنْ أَمْرِهٖ أَنْ تُصِيْبَهُمْ فِتْنَةٌ أَوْ يُصِيْبَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

Meaning, ‘So let those who go against His command beware lest a trial afflict them, or a grievous punishment overtake them.’”

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) says:

“Observe how much loss the Islamic army had to suffer due to the violation of this commandment. The Holy Prophet(sa) had appointed fifty soldiers for the security of a mountain pass. This mountain pass was so crucial that the Holy Prophet(sa) called for the leading officer, Abdullah bin Jubair(ra) Ansari and instructed him: ‘Whether we die or we are victorious, you should not abandon this mountain pass.’ However, when the disbelievers were defeated and the Muslims began to chase them away, the soldiers on duty at the mountain pass said to their leader, ‘We have become victorious now and it seems pointless to remain here. Please grant us permission to partake of the Jihad and attain the blessings.’ Their leader advised them against this and stated, ‘Look! Do not disobey the orders of the Holy Prophet(sa). The Holy Prophet(sa) had instructed us not to abandon this mountain pass, whether the Muslims army is triumphant or is defeated. Hence, I cannot grant you permission to leave.’ They responded: ‘The Holy Prophet(sa) did not mean that we should not move from this location even at the time of victory. His intention was to advise us. What purpose are we serving by staying here now that we have become victorious?’”

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) further says:

“They gave precedence to their own judgement over the commandment of the Messenger (sa) of God and abandoned the mountain pass. Only their leader, (Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair) and a few others stayed there. When the army of the disbelievers retreated, Khalid bin Waleed turned around and observed that the mountain pass was unoccupied. He called upon Amr bin Al Aas. Both of them had not yet accepted Islam at the time. Khalid bin Waleed said to him: ‘Look! What an excellent opportunity lies before us. Let us turn back around and attack the Muslims.’

“Hence, both these generals rearranged their troops who were fleeing the battlefield and ran around the Muslim army and climbed onto the mountain. The few Muslims that were present there could not withstand this attack and were killed. The enemy attacked the Muslim army from the rear. This attack by the disbelievers was so unexpected that the Muslims, who had dispersed whilst celebrating victory, could not hold their ground. Only a few Companions(ra), twenty at most, were able to gather around the Holy Prophet(sa). How long could these few men contend with the enemy? Eventually, the Muslim soldiers were pushed back due the large number of disbelievers and the Holy Prophet(sa) was left all alone in the battlefield. It was at this time that a stone hit his helmet causing the nails to pierce his head, rendering him unconscious, and he fell in a ditch.

“This ditch had been dug by certain mischievous individuals who had covered it up in order to cause harm to the Muslim army.” They dug out a ditch and covered it with grass and sward and so no one could tell there was a ditch and the Holy Prophet(sa) fell inside it. “Thereafter, a few more Companions were martyred and their bodies fell on top of the blessed body of the Holy Prophet(sa). As a result, news spread amongst the people that the Holy Prophet(sa) was martyred. However, the Companions who were pushed back due to the heavy onslaught of the Kuffar, immediately came around the Holy Prophet(sa) when the Kuffar moved back. They took the Holy Prophet(sa) out of the ditch and after a short while, the Holy Prophet(sa) regained consciousness and ordered soldiers to run around the outskirts of the battlefield in order to regroup the Muslims, the Holy Prophet(sa) then led them into the valley of a mountain.”

An Important Inference of Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra)

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) draws the following conclusion from this incident – and this is something that one should pay close attention to. Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) states:

“The reason why the Muslim army had to endure a momentary loss after their victory was because a few individuals disobeyed a commandment of the Holy Prophet(sa) and took their own initiative instead of adhering to the Holy Prophet’s (sa) instruction. However, if they followed the Holy Prophet(sa) just like the pulse follows the heart; if they believed that a single commandment of the Holy Prophet(sa) was more important than even if the entire world was to sacrifice their lives; and if they had not used their own initiative and thereby had not left the mount regarding which the Holy Prophet(sa) had instructed them to not leave irrespective of whether they were in a state of victory or defeat, then the enemy would not have had the opportunity to attack again and nor the Holy Prophet(sa) and his Companions would have suffered any loss.”

Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra) further states:

“In this [Quranic] verse, God Almighty has drawn the attention of the Muslims towards the important principle that those who do not fully adhere to the commandment of the Holy Prophet(sa) and instead give preference to their own judgement (or their own opinions and begin to interpret in their own way), should fear lest a calamity or a severe punishment befalls upon them as a result. In other words, it states that if one seeks to attain any success then they ought to stand and sit on the commandment of a single instruction. Until this spirit remains, the Muslims will remain intact but the day this spirit ceases to exist, Islam will however remain, but God Almighty’s hand will strangle them.” i.e., those who show disobedience to the Holy Prophet(sa). (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 6, pp. 410-412)

Today, this is precisely the case of the Muslims; God Almighty’s succour is no longer with them. They have begun to offer all kinds of interpretations to the instruction of the Holy Prophet(sa) which was to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi and convey his Salam to him and hold him as the judge and arbiter. As a result, the consequences are evident. Here, there is also a lesson and a warning for the Ahmadis that after having accepted the Promised Messiah(as), it is only through complete obedience that one can attain any kind of success or victory. Thus, each and every person should assess their conditions with regard to the standards of their obedience.

In the first account, it was mentioned that Ikramah bin Abi Jahl was alongside Abu Sufyan, however in the account related by Hazrat Musleh Maud(ra), it was Amr bin Aas who launched an attack on the mountain pass. There are also other names mentioned in various other narrations. In this regard, the Research Cell has further researched into this and in the various books of history, the name of Ikramah has been mentioned who was alongside Khalid bin Waleed. (Sharah Zurqaani, Vol. 2, p. 412, Ghazwah Uhud, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1996)

However, there are also references which mention that the Mushrikeen [idolaters] assigned their cavalry from among their army under the leadership of certain individuals, out of which one was Amr bin Aas. (Tarikhul Khamees, Vol. 2, p. 191, Ghazwah Uhud, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1996)

Thus, in reference to this, it states that upon observing the mountain pass to be unmanned, Khalid bin Waleed launched an attack and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl followed behind him. Thus, if all three accounts are assessed together, then one way of eliminating any contradiction between them is that since Hazrat Amr(ra) bin Aas was the one leading the cavalry, therefore he too was with them and so Abu Sufyan, Ikramah and Abu Al-Aas were all together. In this way, there is no contradiction among the narrations.


The account of Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair’s martyrdom is as follows:

When Khalid bin Waleed and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl came forward to launch an attack, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair fired arrows to the point that all his arrows finished. He then fought with a spear until his spear broke. Thereafter, he began fighting with his sword until he was martyred and fell. He was martyred by Ikramah bin Abu Jahl. When he fell, the enemies dragged his body and despicably mutilated his body. They pierced his body so many times with their spears that his intestines spilled out.

Hazrat Khawwat(ra) bin Jubair states:

“When Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair was left in this state, the Muslim then retuned and I was also with them. I laughed at the place where no other person laughed and I fell asleep at the place where no one else had slept and I acted with miserliness at the place where no one else shows miserliness. The state that I was in, one cannot do all three.” He was asked why he did this and Hazrat Khawwat replied, “I held both arms and Abu Hanna held both feet, and we lifted Hazrat Abdullah(ra). I then tied his wound with the cloth of my turban and at the time of lifting him, the idolaters were on one side. The cloth of my turban loosened and fell to the ground, and Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair’s intestines came out.  My companion became anxious at the enemy being so close and began looking over his shoulder. Upon this I began to laugh (at what he was doing in such a moment). Then, one of them advanced towards us and held his spear near my throat and suddenly I was overcome with sleep and the spear drew away.” This was also a help from God Almighty; God Almighty caused him to be overcome with sudden sleep. In such a state he could not do anything as the spear was right next to his throat, but as a result of this, the spear was moved away. He continued, “Then, when we were about to dig the grave of Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair, I only had my bow and the ground had become very firm, so we came down from the mount with his body to a valley and I dug the grave with the corner of my bow. The string was also attached to the bow and I said to myself that I would not let my string get damaged, so I loosened the string and took it off and then dug the grave with the corner of the bow and buried Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Jubair.” (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 362-363 Abdullah bin Jubair, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)