Another Argument against Physical Ascension of Jesus Christ(as)
In two different chapters of the Holy Qur`ān, Allāh has mentioned that the angels and the humans have their separate dwelling abodes and both cannot live at each other’s place. In Sura Al-An`ām, Allah says that if an angel was sent to people as a Messenger, it must have been sent as a human being:
[6:10] “And if we had appointed as Messenger an angel, We would have made him appear as a man; and thus We would have caused to be confused to them that which they are themselves confusing.”
Similarly in Sura Banī-Isrā`īl Allah says that if angels were living on the earth then a Messenger sent to them must have been an angel. But, as the humans are living on the earth and a Messenger sent to them has to live among them, as a role-model to be followed by them, therefore, an angel cannot be sent as a Messenger.
[17:96] “Say, ‘Had there been in the earth angels walking about in peace and quiet, We should have certainly sent down to them from heaven an angel as a Messenger’.
In the light of these Quranic arguments and the ‘way of Allah’ mentioned therein, the Promised Messiah(as) has presented a magnificent argument that as it is against the ‘way of Allah’ that the earth becomes a dwelling place for angels, likewise, it is also against the ‘way of Allah’ that humans live in the heavens with their physical bodies. The Promised Messiah(as) says:
Another purpose in raising the ‘Like-of-Jesus-Son-of-Mary’ was to shatter completely the myth of the godhead of Jesus. The concept of a man going to heaven alive is totally opposed to Allah’s way and is tantamount to the angels coming down to earth and settling among human beings. Thou shalt never find a change in Allah’s ways (33:63).” (Tadhkiratu-Shahadatain or Narrative of the two Martyrdoms, R.K. Vol-20,P-24).
It is thus proved that no human being, including Jesus Christ(as), has ever lived in the heavens alive with the physical body.