بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

Al Islam

The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Muslims who believe in the Messiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian(as)Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None.

Jalsa Salana History: Why attend?

Physical company

The Promised Messiah(as) announced at the end of his book ‘The Heavenly Decree’ that every year, on 27 December, Jamaat members should unite in Qadian and spend some time in his company.

Stressing the importance of staying in his company, the Promised Messiah(as) said:

“If, after entering the fold of Bai‘at, an individual does not care to meet me, such a Bai‘at shall be without blessings and a mere ritual.” Share on X

In fact, the Promised Messiah(as) expressed that by meeting him the purpose of Bai’at could be fulfilled, the purpose was to:

“…neutralise the love for worldliness and to allow the love for the Exalted lord and the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, to dominate the heart; to create such a condition of indifference [to this life] so that the journey to the Hereafter is not detested.”

The powerful spiritual awe and blessings the Promised Messiah(as) possessed meant that such reformation could take place within someone, just by staying in his physical company. The three days of Jalsa Salana therefore acted as a bare minimum and were especially for those who could not meet him during the year.

The Promised Messiah(as) with a group of companions

Why attend ?

The Promised Messiah(as), in the same announcement, articulated the following aims and objectives for all those attending the Jalsa Salana:

  1. The visit will be solely for the sake of Allah, to listen to heavenly discourses and to participate in prayer to their utmost ability.
  2. The voicing of such truths and verities will be the occupation of this Jalsa which are important for the progress of belief, certainty and enlightenment.
  3. Friends that join this Jamaat in each new year shall, by attending on the appointed dates, get to meet their brethren, and as a result become friends.
  4. Also, anybody who passes away during the year, a prayer for their forgiveness shall be made at this Jalsa.
  5. It shall be endeavored to spiritually unite all brethren and to remove disassociation, unfamiliarity and hypocrisy from among them

International Bai’at at Jalsa Salana UK

Advice on saving!

In the announcement, the Promised Messiah(as) also advised Jama’at members to plan their finances and to put aside some money each day or monthly to easily travel to the Jalsa. He said that with such planning “[It shall be] as if their journey was free”.

Sources: Majmua-Ishteharat, Volume 1, pp. 302-304, Tarikh e Ahmadiyyat pp. 442, The Heavenly Decree pp. 73-75

Further reading: