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Hazrat Khallad Bin Rafe‘ Zurqi(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - July 20, 2018 )

There was a companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa), whose name was Hazrat Khallad Bin Rafe‘ Zurqi. He was from among the Ansar [inhabitants of Medina] and those fortunate people who participated in the Battles Badr and Uhud. God Almighty granted him many children. (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 447, Khallad Bin Rafe‘, Dar Ihya At-turath Al-Arabi, 1990, Beirut)

It is mentioned in a narration that Muaz bin Rafa‘ah related from his father, “I accompanied the Holy Prophet(sa), while riding on a very frail and weak camel along with my brother, as we headed towards Badr. We reached a place called Bareed, which comes after Rauhah and there our camel gave up and sat down. Upon this, I prayed, ‘O Allah! We make this vow to You that if You return us to Medina, we will sacrifice this camel.’ At the time, the Holy Prophet(sa) was passing by us and enquired what the matter was with both of us. We narrated the entire incident to him. The Holy Prophet(sa) remained with us. He performed ablution and mixed his saliva with the leftover water. Then, upon his order, we opened the camel’s mouth. He poured some of that water into the camel’s mouth and then some upon its neck, its shoulders, its hump, its back and its tail. Then the Holy Prophet(sa) supplicated, ‘O Allah! Make it possible for Rafe‘ and Khallad to ride on it and to reach their destination.’ The Holy Prophet(sa) then left and we also got up to depart. We caught up with the Holy Prophet(sa) at Mansaf, while our camel was at the forefront of the caravan. When the Holy Prophet(sa) saw us, he smiled. Due to the prayer of the Holy Prophet(sa), the camel’s weakness had completely gone away. We continued travelling until we reached Badr. While returning from Badr, when we reached Musalla, the camel sat down again, upon which my brother slaughtered it and distributed its meat, which we gave out as Sadaqah [charity].” (Kitaab-ul-Maghaazi Lil Waqdi, Baab Badr Al-Qitaal, Vol. 1, p. 25, Aalim-ul-Kutub, 1984) (Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 2, p. 181, Khallad Bin Rafe, Dar-ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)

They had made a vow that once they reached a certain place, they would slaughter it. Thus, they fulfilled this.