Instructions of The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi(as)
Regularity in Prayers
“Offer Prayers with commitment to regularity. Some people offer only one of the daily Prayers. They should remember that there is no exemption from Prayers.” (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 172)
Essence of Salat
“Salat definitely and surely dispels evils. Salat is not just going through certain postures. The essence of Salat is the supplication that has pleasure and bliss in it. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 103)
Fervency in Prayer
Fervency is essential in Salat. Unless the heart is lit with intense fervour, one does not get pleasure and bliss in the Salat. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 287)
Affirmation of Unity of God
Being inclined to someone other than Allah is to break away from Him. […] Salat is, indeed, the name of practical affirmation of the unity of God. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 107)
Salat – the Best Educator
Salat is the best educator and the most excellent means of teaching perfect servitude. […] Be dutiful to Salat in such a way that, not only your body or tongue, but also all the intentions and passions of your soul entirely become Salat. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 108)
Man’s talisman
Salat is man’s talisman. It provides opportunity to supplicate five times a day; one of those supplications may well be heard. Therefore, Salat should be offered in a very decent way, and that is what I like so much. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 page 396)

Salat and Peace
The greatest criterion of man’s pious life is Salat. He, who keeps crying out to God in Salat, lives in peace. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 page 402)
Offering Salat on time
By nature, I like that Salat be offered at its prescribed time and this question of Salat on time is very dear to me. Even when it is raining heavily I wish to offer Salat on time. (Malfuzat Vol. 2, p 45)
Make Your Salat Decent
Man can never achieve nearness to Allah without practicing iqamusslat (observance of Salat). He ordered aqeemussalat (observe Prayer) because Salat tends to falter and those who comply with iqamusslat they benefit from its spiritual form. […] I have admonished my Jama’at to offer Salat decently and that too is supplication. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 p 346)
A Believer’s Treasure Trove
Salat is a treasure trove of supplications granted to a believer. […] People do not value Salat these days and have thus distanced themselves from Allah. Salat is a pinnacle (mi’raj) of the believer and from that does he get satisfaction of heart. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 p 348)
Salat and Life
Salat, in fact, is a supplication to the Lord of Glory, without which one cannot survive nor get security and happiness. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 p 615)
Salat Dispels Weakness
Salat is the good deed which dispels satanic weakness and that is what we call prayer. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 p 679)
Salat and Love of God
Perpetuate love for, and grandeur of, God in your hearts; and there is nothing more effective for that than Salat. (Malfuzat Vol. 2 p 681)
Salat and Inheritance of Heavenly Blessings
Salat is an instrument for security against sins. It is a characteristic feature of Salat that it drives one away from sin and evil deeds. Therefore, seek that sort of Salat and try to mould your Salats accordingly. Salat is the essence of blessings. Favours of Allah are attained through the Salat. Therefore, perform it decently that you may inherit Allah’s blessings. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p 103)
Salat is a Vehicle
He who wants to meet Allah and desires to reach His court, Salat is the vehicle by which he can get there quicker. He who abandons Salat cannot reach there. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p 189)
Key to Supplication
Salat is the key to acceptance of supplication. When you offer Salat, supplicate during that and do not be unmindful. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p 222)
Best Incantation
There is no incantation better than Salat. […] It dispels all sorts of sorrows and worries and resolves difficulties. […] In my view, Salat is the best of all incantations; it should be performed properly and decently. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p 310-311)
Blessings of Salat
The Salat taught by the Holy Prophet(sa) is that which when performing one joins the abdaal (saints), sins part with him, his prayers get accepted and he attains nearness to God. (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p 43)
Congregational Prayer and Unity
Congregational prayer […] is for unity so that all those offering Salat be counted as one unit. The philosophy, underlying the instruction that all should stand together, is that those who are more enlightened may strengthen the lesser ones by infusing their light in them. […] Those from one ward should offer congregational Prayers in the mosque of their locality five times a day. That will lead to mutual exchange of morals and intermixing of spiritual light thereby removing all weaknesses. It will also create fellowship and mutual love […] that being the basis for unity. (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p 101)
Salat and Advancements
Some people achieve such degree of perfection that Salat becomes a kind of food for them […] without which they feel severe anguish and restlessness. However, Salat gives them a special joy and comfort. A righteous believer gets pleasure in Salat. Therefore, Salat should be performed in a decent and orderly manner. Salat is the basis and ladder for all spiritual advancements. That is why it is said that Salat is a believer’s pinnacle (mi’raj). (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p 605)
Salat and Truth
Salat dispels evils; it has a spirit of truth in it and has an effect of beneficence. (Malfuzat Vol. 5 p 45)
Recipe for Overcoming Difficulties
A complete and unfailing recipe to overcome difficulties and hardships that has been tested by millions of righteous persons does exist. What is that? It is the recipe called Salat. (Malfuzat Vol. 9 p 20)
Salat, Faith and worldly matters
Salat is such that it puts everything in good shape – the worldly matters as well as faith. […] By performing Salat, one is saved from all kinds of wrongdoings and immodesty. Therefore, your day and your night, in fact any moment, should not be bereft of prayers. (Malfuzat Vol. 5 p 403)
Each and Every Word of Salat is Supplication
Salat, in fact, is supplication. Each and every word that one utters during Salat aims at supplication. One, who is not attached to Salat, should prepare to face torment. One who does not supplicate brings himself to ruination. A sovereign is announcing repeatedly, “I relieve the distressed of their troubles; I resolve their problems; I am very merciful; I help the destitute”. However, a person who is in trouble passes by him, does not pay attention to his announcement, neither does he mention his problem to him to seek his help will ruin himself. That is how God is. He is prepared to provide comfort to man all the time only if one pleads for it. For acceptance of prayer, it is essential that one avoids disobedience and supplicates enthusiastically, because fire is produced only when a flint strikes against another one forcefully. (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p 54)
Everyone should Observe Salat
I pray a lot that the whole of my community joins those who fear God, observe Salat, get up at night to prostrate and cry (before God), do not neglect obligations to God and are not miserly, close-fisted, neglectful and worldly-minded. I hope that God will accept my prayers and will show me that such are the people that I leave behind. (Majmu’a ishtaharat Vol. 2 p.619)
Brief Sentences
- Salat is God’s right on us (i.e. we owe it to God); render it very nicely. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p591)
- The pleasure of Salat is superior to every worldly pleasure. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p592)
- Salat dispels thousands of faults and is the means of nearness to God. (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p292)
- Salat is the basis and ladder for all (spiritual) advancements. That is why it is said that Salat is a believer’s pinnacle (m’iraj). (Malfuzat Vol. 4 p 605)
- Salat is the thing that relieves one of all hardships and dispels all misfortunes. (Malfuzat Vol. 5 p 402)
- Offer your five daily prayers with such fear and presence of heart as if you are seeing God. (Kishti e Nuh, Roohani Khazain Vol 19 p 15)
- He who is not committed to five daily prayers is not of my community. (Kishti e Nuh, Roohani Khazain Vol 19 p 19)
- For comfort and peace of mind there is nothing better than Salat. (Malfuzat Vol. 5 p 402)
- In my view, Salat is the best of all incantations. (Malfuzat Vol. 3 p311)
- The real purpose and essence of Salat is supplication. (Malfuzat Vol. 1 p 234)
Instructions by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra)
Effect of Salat on Practical Life
Aqeemussalat – observe Prayer. Offer Salat decently and let the effect of the pledge that you make during the Salat be apparent on your practical life. Verbally you say iyyaka na’budu, we are obedient to you, but are you steadfast on obedience? Supplicate and offer Salat; the two are not burdensome for the humble ones. (Khutbat e Noor pp 365-366)
Etiquettes of Salat
Some people are lax in Salat in different ways:
- They do not arrive on time;
- They do not pray in congregation;
- They are not mindful of Sunnah and Hadith
Listen attentively! Nothing works well in this world for him who is wasteful of Salat. (Khutbat-e-Noor pp 365-366)
Salat – a Remedy for Sin
Salat restrains from sin and is the remedy to abstain from sin only when offered decently. Wake up from your sleep seeking salvation and run when you hear Azan. (Khutbat e Noor p 166)
Salat – a Magnificent Thing
After verbal affirmation, Salat is the magnificent thing; if one has wasted that he has wasted his faith. Truly speaking therein lies the difference between unbelief (kufr) and Islam. (Khutbat e Noor p 281)
Instructions by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra)
Regularity in Salat
Salat is fountain head of spirituality and a means of achieving nearness to God. Abstention from Salat is a poison that condemns man to an everlasting hell thereby subjecting him to death after death. One should save oneself from that and be regular with Salat. (Mash’al e Rah Vol. 1 p 403)
Commitment to Salat
It is our duty to make every member of our Jama’at committed to Salat and try so hard that not even a single member remains Salat-less. (Mash’al e Rah Vol. 1 p 220)
Iqamat (Observance) of Salat
Iqamat means offering Salat in congregation. That is to say, just offering Salat is not enough rather it is essential to Pray in congregation. […] Islam ordains observing Salat, not merely performing it (individually). (Mash’al e Rah Vol. 1 p 278)
Instructions by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III(rh)
True Salat
If one offering long drawn out Salats does not abstain from indecency and manifest evil, his Salats would not be true Salats because true Salat restrains one from indecency and manifest evil. (Khutubat e Nasir Vol 1 p 314)
Salat and Real Virtue
Performing Salat according to the conditions laid down by Allah is real virtue. (Khutubat e Nasir Vol 1 p 273)
Instructions by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh)
Salat and Security of Life
Make it your habit to offer five daily Prayers. That is essential for the security of a believer’ life. […] Try to offer such Salats that please Allah, and thereby endear you to Him. (Khutubat e Tahir Vol 1 p 115)
Salat and Households
I admonish all households that they try with utmost courage and effort to create members who offer Salat regularly. […] The grace of those households wherein Prayers are offered regularly will reach the corners of the world. Visitors from far away who stay with them will see a good model to follow. … Decorate your houses in this way that they are filled with worship and remembrance of Allah. (Khutubat e Tahir Vol 1 p 285-287)
Salat and Delivering Rights
If Salat is observed, rights of Allah as well as rights of people will be delivered, otherwise nothing will remain. (Khutubat e Tahir Vol 2 p 191)
Salat and Fortitude
Those who perform real Salat have unparalleled qualities of fortitude. When they suffer, the suffering does not prevail on them. They do not lament or bewail. (Khutubat e Tahir Vol 2 p 377-388)
Instructions by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba)
Safeguarding Salat
Only guarding and supervising Prayers will guarantee to keep us and our future generations free of sins and wrongdoings. … If you want to save your children from falling into (these) filthy and obscene practices then the best way is try to make them regular with Prayers. (Khutubat e Masroor Vol. 3 pp 372-373)
Salat and Self-assessment
Each one of us should try to assess continuously that we are not falling short in any way concerning the Salat. (Mash’al e Rah Vol 5 part 3 p134)
Salat and Reward
Forcing oneself to get up from the bed and go to the mosque for congregational Prayer, attending to Prayers at the cost of one’s business; that is what makes one deserving of reward. (Khutubat e Masroor Vol. 3 p 23)
Salat and Work
When it is time for Salat, focus your attention fully on Prayer as commanded by Allah. Your engagements or other excuses should not stop you from offering Prayers. Do not neglect Salat for the sake of your work rather stop your work for the sake of Salat. Otherwise that is also a kind of hidden Shirk. (Khutubat e Masroor Vol. 3 p 272)
Salat – ‘the Middle One’
Be watchful over your Prayers and ‘the middle one’ as well … Salat, the hour of which approaches when you are pre-occupied with worldly engagements, needs special attention. Salat restrains one from indecency. … By achieving excellence in Salat, one attains nearness to God and His love, without which he is like a tree that had its root cut off. (Khutubat e Masroor Vol. 6 p 281-294)
The Excellence of Worship during Youth
The Promised Messiah(as) says:
“If he spent this period (of his youth) in the worship of Allah, the reformation of the self, and obedience to God, he will be so rewarded in his old age, that when he will be unable to perform any worship, and indisposition and lethargy will overtake him, the angels will continue to record in his name the same Salat, fasting, Tahajjud, etc., which he used to perform in his youth. This is the Grace of Allah that considering his disability, despite his failure to do anything, such deeds are recorded in his account. (Malfuzat, Volume 4, p 199 – footnote (new edition) Thus, every Ahmadi, in state of health, should try to be regular with his Prayers. Not only be regular, but he should also pay attention to congregational Prayers. (Khutubat e Masroor Vol. 3 p 24)
Pray in Congregation
“Every Ahmadi, who has accepted the Promised Messiah(as), and thereby counts himself to be one of the believers, should pay special attention to these matters. Firstly, strive to offer Prayers regularly. As far as possible, try to offer the Prayer in congregation. Then adorn these (obligatory) Prayers with voluntary Prayers. In the context of Salat, I would like to make another point. Always remember that worship has a great connection with the institution of Khilafat. And what is worship? It is Salat. The verse, that follows the Divine promise of comfort and Khilafat for the believers, enjoins aqeemussalt (observe Salat) as well. Therefore, the first condition to acquire an established position and benefit from the institution of Khilafat is observance of Salat, because it is worship and Salat that will absorb Allah’s Grace.” (Khutubat-e-Masroor Vol. 5 p 148-151)
Interest and Zeal for Salat
These high standards of morality and taqwa (righteousness) cannot be achieved without Divine help and guidance. Therefore, we should always seek Allah’s help with prayers. For that, fill up the Salat centres and mosques (with worshippers) in your area. With congregational Prayers, not only will you achieve spiritual advancement but also set an example for others to follow. Convey this guideline to all the office bearers who are not present so that they also act upon it.
As for planning to get the people around for Prayers, keep this in mind that the plan should be easily practicable. Some office bearers become so enthusiastic about carrying out their responsibilities that they ignore the ground realities. […] They should try to maintain interest and zeal for Prayers amongst the people but should not be overbearing. The people should be made to realise the need for the virtuous changes to take place in them as Ahmadis that would distinguish them from others. To bring about such positive changes always pray that they are granted steadfastness. (Closing address, Majlis Shura UK, 24 June, 2007, Al fazl International 6 July 2007)
Parents’ own Example
Another important matter, one of very important matters rather the most important matter, is to inculcate the habit of five daily Prayers in the children because faith without worship is no faith. Parents’ own example is most important in this regard. If they are regular with Salat their children will be regular as well. Otherwise their hollow words of advice will have no effect on the children. (Friday Sermon 27 June 2003; Khutubat-e-Masroor Vol. 1 p 144)
Joy and Comfort in Prayers
If we submit our tearful lamentations to our Lord, He will surely listen to our supplications, as promised by Him. First of all, bowing down to Allah, the Almighty, we will have to direct our Salat and supplications exclusively to Him; that is the basic thing. If you get joy and comfort in Salat then you have achieved everything. During the Salat, particularly supplicate in the words that we have been taught by the Holy Prophet(sa). According to the Hadith, he used to pray: ‘O Allah, grant my soul its taqwa, and cleanse it thoroughly and Thou are the best of all who can cleanse it. (Heart can only get cleansed by the Grace of Allah). (Muslim, kitabuz-zikr wad-dua)
May Allah grant us the ability to cleanse our hearts! (Khutubat-e-Masroor Vol. 2 p 220)