بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

Al Islam

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Hazrat Sa‘d bin Zaid al-Ashhali(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - November 23, 2018 )

Background and Participation in Battles

Hazrat Sa‘d bin Zaid al-Ashhali belonged to the Ansar tribe of Banu Abdil Ashhal. He took part in the Battle of Badr and according to some he was also present on the occasion of Bai‘at-e-Aqabah. He took part in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet(sa), including the Battle of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. The Holy Prophet(sa) sent the prisoners from Banu Quraizah in his supervision and in return, he purchased horses and weapons from Najad. (Usdul Ghaba Fi Marifati Al-Sahaba, vol. 2, pp. 217-218, Zaid bin Malik, Dar-ul-Fikr wa An Nashr wa At Tauzi’, Beirut, 2003)

Advice of the Holy Prophet(sa) for Jihad

According to a narration, Hazrat Sa‘d bin Zaid presented a sword from Najran to the Holy Prophet(sa) as a gift, who then gave that sword to Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamah and said, “Perform Jihad in the way of God Almighty with this sword. However, when people begin to dispute amongst themselves then throw this on a stone and remain at home.” (Usdul Ghaba Fi Marifati Al-Sahaba, vol. 2, p. 216, Saad bin Zaid Al Hashmi, Dar-ul-Fikr wa An Nashr wa At Tauzi’, Beirut, 2003)

This means not to take part in any kind of discord or disorder.