بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Sa‘ib bin Uthman(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - March 15, 2019 )

Background and Participation in Battles

Hazrat Sa‘ib(ra) bin Uthman belonged to the Banu Jumah tribe. He was the son of Hazrat Uthman(ra) bin Maz‘un. His mother’s name was Khaulah bint Hakeem. He was from among the early Muslim.

Hazrat Sa‘ib(ra) bin Uthman participated in the second migration to Abyssinia along with his father and his uncle, Hazrat Qudamah(ra). After the migration to Medina, the Holy Prophet(sa) established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Sa‘ib(ra) bin Uthman and Haritha(ra) bin Suraqah Ansari. He was among the companions who were appointed as the archers of the Holy Prophet(sa). Hazrat Sa‘ib bin Uthman(ra) participated in the Battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and all other battles alongside the Holy Prophet(sa)(Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, pp. 396-397, Sa‘ib bin Uthman(ra), Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, pp. 306-307, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Al-Asaba Fi Tameez Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 20, Sa‘ib bin Uthman(ra), Dar-ul-Kutb Al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1995)

Amir of Medina During the Battle of Buwaat

The Holy Prophet(sa) appointed him the Amir over Medina during the Battle of Buwaat. Regarding the Battle of Buwaat, which took place in 2 AH, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) has written:

“During the last days of this Rabiul Awwal or in the beginning of Rabiul Sani, the Holy Prophet(sa) once again received news of the Quraish. Upon this, the Holy Prophet(sa) took along a group of companions from among the Muhajireen and set out himself. He appointed Sa‘ib bin Uthman bin Maz‘un(ra) as the Amir of Medina in his absence. However, the whereabouts of the Quraish could not be ascertained and upon reaching Buwaat, the Holy Prophet(sa) returned.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra), p. 329)

Buwaat is the name of a mountain situated near the tribe of Juhainah, located about 48 miles from Medina. (Subul Al-Huda, Vol. 4, p. 15, Baab Ghazwa-e-Bawaat, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1993)

Martyrdom Following the Battle of Yamama

Hazrat Sa‘ib(ra) bin Uthman participated in the Battle of Yamama. The Battle of Yamama took place in 12 AH during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra), in which Hazrat Sa‘ib(ra) was struck by an arrow, which later led to his martyrdom. He was over the age of 30 at the time of his demise. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 307, Sa‘ib bin Uthman(ra) bin Maz‘un, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990)