بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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Hazrat Suhail bin Wahb(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - November 23, 2018 )

Background and Participation in Battles

His name was Hazrat Suhail(ra) bin Wahb bin Rabi‘ah bin Amr bin Aamir Quraishi. His mother was Da’d, but she was better known as Baidaa. For this reason, he was also known as Ibn Baidaa. Hence, according to some accounts his name has been recorded as Suhail bin Baidaa. He belonged to the Banu Fehr branch of the Quraish tribe. (Al-Isaba fi Tamyiz Al- Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 162, Suhail bin Baidaa Al Qarshi, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2005)

He accepted Islam in its early years. After accepting Islam, he migrated to Abyssinia and remained there for a long time. When Islam began being preached openly, he returned to Mecca and then went to Medina after the Holy Prophet(sa). (Seeratus Sahabah, vol.2 p.577, Suhail bin Baidaa, Darul Ishaat, Karachi)

Hazrat Suahil participated in the Battle of Badr alongside his brother Hazrat Safwan bin Baidaa. (Al-Tabakaat-ul-Qubra Li-ibn Sa‘d, Vol.3, p. 318, Safwan bin Baidaa, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

When he participated in the Battle of Badr he was 34 years of age. He accompanied the Holy Prophet(sa) in all battles including the Battle of Uhud and Khandaq. His other brother, Sahl, participated in the Battle of Badr on the side of the idolaters. Allamah ibn Hajr Asqalani writes that Sahl accepted Islam in Mecca but did not disclose it to anyone, so the Quraish took him along to Badr and was then imprisoned.

Hazrat Ibn Masud(ra) wrote a testimony about him saying that he had observed Sahl praying in Mecca, and therefore he was released. He later passed away in Medina and the Holy Prophet(sa) led the funeral prayers of Sahl and Hazrat Suhail(ra) in the mosque.

Incident Before the Battle of Tabuk

Hazrat Suhail bin Baidaa narrates that he sat behind the Holy Prophet(sa) on his mount on the journey to the Battle of Tabuk. He says that the Holy Prophet(sa) exclaimed out loud, “O Suhail!”. The Holy Prophet(sa) repeated this three times, and every time Hazrat Suhail(ra) would reply “Labbaik ya Rasulullah!” to the point where other people also were able to hear this. Subsequently, the people ahead rushed to him and those behind also drew closer to him. This was their manner of calling people and to draw everyone’s attention. The Holy Prophet(sa) then said, “He who bears witness that God Almighty has no partner, He is One and there is none like unto Him, then God Almighty will save such a person from entering the Fire.” (Al-Isaba fi Tamyiz Al- Sahaba, Vol. 3, pp. 162-163, Suhail bin Baidaa Al Qarshi, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1995) (Al-Isaba fi Tamyiz Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 176, Suhail bin Al Samat, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1995) (Al-Tabakaat-ul-Qubra Li-ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 317, Suhail ibn Baidaa, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

This is in a book of history read by other Muslims in which it defines who is a Muslim. However, their actions and edicts are in contradiction to this.

Level of Obedience

Hazrat Anas(ra) relates: “We did not used to have any wine except for Fadikh”, i.e. the wine made from dates. He says, “Once I was standing giving Abu Talha and some others wine to drink when all of a sudden a person came and said, ‘Have you not received the news?’ I asked, ‘Which news?’ He replied, ‘Wine has been declared forbidden.’” The people whom Hazrat Anas(ra) was offering drinks then said to Anas(ra), ‘Anas, empty these jars.’ After the man had given them the news they never asked about wine, nor did they ever drink it again.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Al-Tafsir, Bab Innama Al Khamr wa Al Maisir…, Hadith 4617)

This instruction was issued and they obeyed in such a manner that they never thought to enquire about wine again. It is proven from another Hadith that Hazrat Abu Dujana(ra) and Suhail bin Baidaa(ra) were with Hazrat Abu Talha(ra) and were drinking wine at the time. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Al Sharibah, Hadith 5600)


In 9 AH, on the way back from the Battle of Tabuk, he passed away and the Holy Prophet(sa) led his funeral prayer in Masjid-e-Nabawi. At the time of his demise he had no children. (Al-Isaba fi Tamyiz Al- Sahaba, Vol.3, p. 317, Suhail bin Baidaa, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)

Hazrat Ibad bin Abdullah bin Zubair(ra) narrates that Hazrat Aisha(ra) instructed that the funeral proceedings of Hazrat Sa‘d bin Abi Waqas(ra) should pass through the mosque, i.e. it should be brought to the mosque so that she too could perform the funeral prayer. The people found this request of Hazrat Aisha(ra) to be improper so Hazrat Aisha(ra) stated, “How quickly do you forget that the Holy Prophet(sa) led the funeral prayer of Suhail bin Baidaa in the mosque.’ (Translation of Sahih Muslim, Kitab Al Janaiz, Bab Al Salati Ala Al-Janazati Fil Masjid, Hadith 1603, vol. 4, p. 135, Noor Foundation)

They were under the impression that it should be performed in an open space, so Hazrat Aisha(ra) corrected them by saying that it can be done so in the mosque.