(Friday Sermon - July 19, 2019 )
Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah belonged to Banu Amr bin Auf, which was a branch of the Aus tribe. Hazrat Uwaim(ra) participated in both the first and the second Bai‘at at Aqabah. According to the reference found in Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyin [The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa)], prior to the first Bai‘at at Aqabah, a group of six Ansar from Medina accepted the Holy Prophet(sa). According to some narrations, eight individuals are mentioned. Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah is said to be among these companions.
Bond of Brotherhood
According to Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, on the occasion of the migration towards Medina, the Holy Prophet(sa) formed a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah and Hazrat Umar(ra) and according to another narration, with Hazrat Hatib(ra) bin Abi Balta.
Lofty Status in the Eyes of the Holy Prophet(sa)
Hazrat Abdullah(ra) bin Zubair narrates that he heard the Holy Prophet(sa) say, “What an exceptional servant of Allah Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah is and he is also among the dwellers of heaven!”
According to a narration when the following verse of the Holy Quran was revealed:
فِیۡہِ رِجَالٌ یُّحِبُّوۡنَ اَنۡ یَّتَطَہَّرُوۡا ؕ وَ اللّٰہُ یُحِبُّ الۡمُطَّہِّرِیۡنَ
The Holy Prophet(sa) stated, “What an excellent individual is Uwaim bin Sa‘idah, who is also counted among this group of people.”
The translation of the aforementioned verse is, “In it are men who love to become purified, and Allah loves those who purify themselves.” (Surah al-Taubah: V.108)
Participation in Battles
Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophet(sa), including the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. Asim(ra) bin Suaid narrates that he heard the following narration from the daughter of Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah:
“When Hazrat Umar(ra) bin al-Khattab stood by the grave of Hazrat Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah, he said, ‘There is no one in the world who can claim that they are better than the one lying in this grave. Uwaim(ra) stood by the flag of every expedition that was commissioned by the Holy Prophet(sa).’” (Usdul Ghaba Fi Marifat Al-Sahaba, Vol. 4, p. 304, Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1994)
The Killing of Harith bin Suaid
According to one narration, it is mentioned that in the days of ignorance [i.e. prior to the advent of Islam], Suaid, the father of Harith, killed Ziyad, who was the father of Hazrat Mujazar(ra). After this incident, one day, the deceased’s son, Hazrat Mujazar(ra), was able to get hold of Suaid and killed his father’s murderer. Both these incidents occurred before the advent of Islam. It was this very incident that subsequently led to the battle of Bu‘ath which was fought between the Aus and Khizraj tribes.
Later, after the migration of the Holy Prophet(sa) to Medina, the sons of both these individuals who were killed, i.e. Harith bin Suaid and Hazrat Mujazar(ra) bin Ziyad converted to Islam and both of them also participated in the Battle of Badr. It is not known as to how authentic this narration is, but it states that after accepting Islam, Harith bin Suaid would look for an opportunity to avenge his father’s murder by killing Hazrat Mujazar(ra) but he never got the chance.
During the Battle of Uhud when the Quraish turned around and attacked the Muslims a second time, Harith bin Suaid attacked Hazrat Mujazar(ra) from his back and martyred him by striking his neck. According to one narration, it is mentioned that Harith bin Suaid also martyred Hazrat Qais(ra) bin Zaid also. When the Holy Prophet(sa) was returning from the Battle of Hamra ul Asad, Hazrat Gabriel(as) came to the Holy Prophet(sa) and informed him that Harith bin Suaid was in Quba at the time and that he had killed Hazrat Mujazar(ra) bin Ziyad by way of deception. Gabriel(as) said to the Holy Prophet(sa) that he should kill Harith bin Suaid for the murder of Hazrat Mujazar(ra) bin Ziyad. Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet(sa) travelled to Quba immediately. Usually, he would not go to Quba at that time [of the year] as it would be very hot.
Upon the Holy Prophet’s (sa) arrival, the Muslims from the Ansar who were residents of Quba gathered around him. Harith bin Suaid was also among those who had gathered around the Holy Prophet(sa). He had wrapped himself in one or two yellow sheets of cloth. Upon the instructions of the Holy Prophet(sa), Hazrat Uwaimar(ra) bin Sa‘idah killed Harith bin Suaid at the entrance of Masjid Quba. The name of the companion being mentioned here is recorded as Uwaimar in Seeratul Halabiyah instead of Uwaim, whereas in all other places such as Tabaqaat and ibn Sa‘d etc. his name is recorded as Uwaim bin Sa‘idah.
However, according to another narration, the Holy Prophet(sa) did not instruct Uwaim bin Sa‘idah to kill Suaid, who had martyred other Muslims by way of deceit. And since they were both Muslims, therefore equitable retaliation in the matter of the slain was prescribed.
According to another narration, it states that Hazrat Uthman(ra) was instructed by the Holy Prophet(sa) to punish him. There is yet another narration which mentions that Harith stated:
“By God! I have killed Mujazar not because I have turned away from Islam. Neither do I have any doubts about the truthfulness of this religion. I did it because Satan made me feel a sense of honour and pride [to seek revenge]. Now I seek repentance from God and His Messenger (sa) for my action, and I am willing to pay the blood-money for it. I shall fast for two months continuously and will free a slave as well.” However, the Prophet of Allah (sa) did not accept Harith’s apology and the death penalty was upheld. (Al-Sirat al-Halabiyyah, Vol. 3, pp. 353-354, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) (Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 349, Uwaim(ra) bin Sa‘idah, Dar-ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1990)
This particular narration is according to Sirat al-Halabiyyah.
Abu Umar states, “Hazrat ‘Uwaim(ra) passed away during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet(sa).” This is the narration of Abu Umar, however, in another narration it states that he passed away at the age of 65 or 66 during the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar(ra).