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Hazrat Zakwan bin Abd Qais(ra)

A Badri Companion of the Holy Prophet(sa)

(Friday Sermon - March 1, 2019 )


Hazrat Zakwan(ra) bin Abd Qais’ title was Abu al-Sab‘uh. Hazrat Zakwan(ra) belonged to the branch of Banu Zuraiq of the Khazraj tribe from among the Ansar. He participated in the first as well as the second Bai‘at [pledge of initiation] at Aqabah. One of the aspects that stands out in relation to him and is worth mentioning is that he migrated from Medina and went to the Holy Prophet(sa) in Mecca. The Holy Prophet(sa) was still in Mecca at that time. He was called an Ansari Muhajir. He migrated to Mecca to be with the Holy Prophet(sa) and stayed in Mecca for some time. He participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud and attained the status of martyrdom during the battle of Uhud. He was martyred by Abu Hakam bin Akhnas. Hazrat Zakwan(ra) bin Abd Qais is called an Ansari Muhajir. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 210, Zakwan(ra) bin Abd QaisDar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003).

Allama Ibn Sa‘d writes in Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra that when the Muslims migrated towards Medina at the time of migration, the Quraish became enraged. They were extremely angry at the young men who had already migrated and left. A group of Ansar pledged initiation to the Holy Prophet(sa) during the second pledge at Aqabah and following this, they returned to Medina. When the first migrants from Mecca reached Quba, these Ansar went to the Holy Prophet(sa) in Mecca and migrated to Medina alongside his companions. Therefore, they were known as the Ansari Muhajireen. Hazrat Zakwan bin Abd Qais(ra), Hazrat Uqbah(ra) bin Wahab, Hazrat Abbas(ra) bin Ubadah and Hazrat Ziyad(ra) bin Labeed were amongst these companions known as the Ansari Muhajireen. Following this, all of the Muslims migrated to Medina, apart from the Holy Prophet(sa), Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and Hazrat Ali(ra) as well as those who were caught up in the in the unrest, those who were kept in captivity and those who were ill or weak [also remained in Mecca]. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra, Vol. 1, p. 175, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990)

Martyrdom in the Battle of Uhud

Suhail bin Abi Saleh narrates that when the Holy Prophet(sa) set forth towards Uhud, he pointed into a direction and addressed his companions saying, “Who will go to that particular location?” A companion from Bani Zuraiq, Hazrat Zakwan(ra) bin Abd Qais Abu Sab‘uh stood up and said, “O Prophet(sa) of Allah! I will go there.” The Holy Prophet(sa) enquired as to who he was and Hazrat Zakwan(ra) replied, “I am Zakwan bin Abd Qais.” Following this, the Holy Prophet(sa) told him to take a seat and the Holy Prophet(sa) repeated this three times. After this, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “You should go to such and such place.” Upon this, Hazrat Zakwan(ra) bin Abd Qais said, “O Prophet(sa) of Allah! I will most certainly go there!” Thereafter, the Holy Prophet(sa) said, “Whoever wishes to see an individual, who will be walking in the verdant gardens of heaven tomorrow should look at this man.” After this, Hazrat Zakwan(ra) went to say farewell to his family. His wives and daughters said to him, “Will you be leaving us?” He took his garment out of their hands and walked a little away from them, and then turning towards them said, “We will now meet on the Day of Judgement.” Following this, he attained the status of martyrdom during the Battle of Uhud. (Marifatul Sahaba Li Abi Naeem, Vol. 2, p. 248, Zakwan(ra) bin Abdi Qais bin Khalid, Hadith no. 2621, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 2002).

On the day of Uhud, the Holy Prophet(sa) enquired of his companions if anyone had any knowledge regarding Zakwan(ra) bin Abd Qais. Hazrat Ali(ra) replied, “O Prophet(sa) of Allah! I saw a horseman chasing Zakwan until he reached close to him and was saying, ‘Only one of us shall survive today.’ And so, he attacked Hazrat Zakwan(ra) who was on foot and martyred him.” Hazrat Ali(ra) further said that whilst launching his attack on Hazrat Zakwan(ra), he was proclaiming, “Look, I am Ibn Ilaaj.” Hazrat Ali(ra) says, “I then attacked him and struck my sword on his leg, severing his thigh and dragged him off his horse and killed him.” Hazrat Ali(ra) says that he saw that the attacker was Abu al-Hakam bin Akhnas. (Kitab-ul-Maghazi Li Al-Waqadi, Vol. 1, p.245, Baab Ghazwah-e-Uhud, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 2013)