Appendix I: Jewish Sects at the Time of Jesus (as)
The literature available on the Jewish sects of the time of Jesus(as) does not as such has a compiled list of all the sects. Definition of a sect varies from author to author. Some authors will regard a group to be too small for their criteria of a sect while the other include them as a sect. However, all of them acknowledge the existance of all the sects and sub-sect, mentioned in the following list, at the time of Jesus Christ(as). This list has been compiled from the works of authors mentioned in the reference numbers 57-59.
1. Pharisees
2. Sadducees
3. Essenes/Ossenes
4. Party of Covanent
5. Karaites
6. Zealots
7. Therapeutae
8. Kabbalah
9. Qumranites
10. Hasmoneans
11. Amme ha ‘arez
12. Yahwists
13. Rechabites
14. Nazerites
15. Hellenists (Followers of Stephen)
16. Maccabees
17. Hasideans
18. Eleazarites
19. Hyrcanusites
20. Epicureans
21. Stoics
22. Pythagoreans
23. Zadokites
24. Enochites
25. Zakaites
26. Beth Hillel
27. Beth Shammai
28. Followers of Bar Cochba
29. Habakkukites
30. Ebionites
31. Levites
32. Ezekielites
33. Herodians
34. Scribes (Soferims)
35. Galileans
37. Baptists
38. Masbothei
39. Genistae
40. Meristae
41. Hellenians (Followers of Hellene)
42. Nasaraioi
43. Introversionists
44. Alexanderian Jews
45. Philos
46. Hezekiah
47. Josiah
48. Canaanites
49. Samaritans
50. Aaronides
51. Gnostic Jews of Qumran
52. Boethusians
53. Conversionists
54. Josianic Movement
55. Babylonian Jews
56. Elephantinites
57. Oniasites
58. Judeans
59. Ein Fashka
60. Antiochusians
61. Selecudins
62. Sicarii
63. Zedekiahs
64.Followers of Simon Bar Giora
65. Followers of John of Giscala
66. Followers of Simon Bar Kosiba
67. Patriarchate
68. Apocalypticians
69. Shabbatai Zevi Movement
70. Adventists
71. Epiphanesians
72. Palestanian Jews