Proposed Conditions of the Debate
between the Christians & the Muslims
(Translation from English)1
This debate will be held in Amritsar.
Each party will be represented by no more than fifty people. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad will issue fifty tickets to the Christians, and Dr Clark will release fifty tickets to Mirza Sahib for the Muslims. The Muslims will collect tickets from the Christians and vice versa.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian will represent the Muslims at the debate and Deputy Abdullah Atham Khan will do so on behalf of the Christians.
Except for the two aforementioned gentlemen, no one else will be permitted to speak in the debate. They can, however, each select three persons as assistants but they will not have the right to speak.
Both parties will accurately note down the proceedings for the purpose of publication.
No speaker from either side will be permitted to speak for more than one hour.
In administrative matters, the decision of the president will be considered definitive.
There will be two presidents. At the time of the debate, a member from each side will be selected.
The venue of the debate will be decided by Dr Henry Martyn Clark.
The time of the debate will be from 6 am to 11 am.
The debate will be held in two sessions. The first session will last for six days, from Monday 22nd, to 27th May. During this period, as Mirza Sahib has made evident in a letter to Dr Clark dated 4 April 1893, he will be permitted to put forth his view that the truth of a religion ought to be established through living signs.
Afterwards, the second point of discussion, namely the divinity of Christ will be addressed; Mirza Sahib will be entitled to raise any further questions, albeit within the allotted six days.
The second session will also last for six days, from 29th May to 3rd June (if required). During this session, Mr Abdullah Atham Khan will be permitted to present his questions as outlined below:
a. Unconditional Mercy
b. Predestination and Divine Decree
c. Belief in Predestination
d. Proof that the Quran is the Word of God
e. Proof that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny) is the Messenger of God
Mr Atham can also raise other questions provided that he does not exceed the prescribed six days.
The tickets will be issued by 15th May according to the sample below.
The Christians and Deputy Abdullah Atham Khan consent to abide by the above conditions and certify to the following statement: I (the undersigned) sign this document on behalf of Mr Abdullah Atham Khan by way of testimony that either of the parties that fail to abide by any of the aforementioned conditions will be considered guilty of breaching their agreement.
To confirm the validity of the speeches, both the presidents and the speakers will sign them.
Henry Clark MD et al.
24 April 1893