The Holy Quran states at another place: 1

That is, O people, Allah commands that when you are in a position to make over the trust of authority to someone, you should grant it to those worthy of discharging the responsibility. [Then those who are placed in authority are addressed with the admonition that since they have been elected to positions of authority by the people, it is their duty that] When you make certain decisions, do so with justice. And surely Allah admonishes you! Excellent is that with which Allah admonishes you. Verily Allah is All-Hearing, All- Seeing.
This verse instructs the people that when given the opportunity to choose someone as the ruler, they should select the best candidate for the task, who is capable of discharging the affairs of the State with integrity and competence. He should be the best leader, committed to promoting general welfare.
The latter part of the verse, ‘And surely excellent is that with which Allah admonishes you!’, tells us that divine injunctions are not like those of some rulers who issue orders without due consideration or thought, instructing people to behave one way or the other. Instead, this injunction comes from your Creator and Master and is for your own good and welfare. If you appoint rulers who are good, who appropriately discharge the affairs of the state and understand the importance of the trust reposed in them, then it is all for your own benefit.
If rulers protect people’s lives and wealth, make decisions based on justice and fairness, do not discriminate against individuals or communities, treat the weak and the strong equally, maintain order within the State, and do not tread the path of rulers who show favouritism and bias, then they would not only be carrying out God’s commandment, but would themselves benefit from this conduct.
The Holy Quran further states ‘Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing’, meaning that God watched as people were trampled upon and destroyed by tyrannical and ruthless rulers who usurped the people’s rights. God witnessed this state of affairs and His sense of justice and fair play was aroused as mankind continued to suffer cruelty while the rulers did whatever their whims dictated. Therefore, God decided to give instructions on these matters Himself. When injustice reached its zenith and the people pleaded for mercy with agony that, ‘O Lord! Such rulers are being imposed on us who do not grant us our rights.’ God then decided that in his next shariah, [religious law] He would ordain that rulers be appointed through election, and only those persons be elected who would act with equity and justice, and were capable of running the affairs of the state. Similarly, God instructed the rulers in his shariah that they must always act with equity and justice, strive constantly to uplift the nation’s economic condition, protect the life and property of its citizens, and not discriminate between individuals and nations and not adopt ways that would be detrimental to the development of the country and future generations. Instead, the rulers should always adopt such means and laws that are essential for the country’s progress.