About the Book
Islam in comparison with other Religions of India,which is commonly known as Lecture Lahore, was written by the Promised Messiah(as) and was read out in his presence by Maulana ‘Abdul Karim Sahib Sialkoti before a large gathering in Lahore on 3rd September, 1904. This lecture contains a comparative study of Islam, Hinduism and Christianity, and shows the teachings of Islam to be superior to those of other religions.
The Promised Messiah(as) says the reason for the deluge of sin in the present age is the lack of awareness about God, and this can be remedied neither by the Christian doctrine of Redemption nor by the teachings laid down in the Vedas. True and perfect awareness about God, which can only be attained through direct communion with the Almighty, can only be attained through Islam, for other religions have once and for all closed upon themselves the door to Divine revelation.
The first English translation of this lecture was published in the September & October, 1904, edition of The Review of Religions. This new translation has been prepared by Wakalat Tasnif, Rabwah.