Persian verses

Translation of Persian verses
It is the command of Heaven and I convey it to earth;
What will I do if I hear it and communicate it not?
I am the Appointed One, what choice do I have?
If you have anything to say, say it to the Lord and Master.
Alas! this assemblage of friends recognizes me not;
But they will do so when I have left this earth.
Every night, I suffer a thousand agonies for the sake of my people.
O my Lord! deliver them from this time of turmoil.
Every path that they choose — apart from my path — leads to nowhere;
Unlucky is the person to whom a worthless thing appears valuable.
Next to God, I am inebriated with the love of Muhammad(sa);
If this be disbelief, then by God I am a great disbeliever.
My dear! my soul has melted and suffered out of concern for your faith;
But, strangely enough, I am a disbeliever in your eyes.
O my Lord! wash away this lethargy of theirs with the water of my eyes;
For this day my bedding is soaked in this grief.
May my life be sacrificed in the path of the faith of Muhammad(sa);
This indeed is my heart’s desire, if only I am fortunate enough to realize it.