Iqämah is recited loudly, preferably by the muadhdhin, or a person in the congregation, just before the start of the obligatory part of the Prayer which is lead by the imäm, the person leading the Prayer. The Prayer starts immediately after.
The text to be recited in the Prayer and its transliteration are given in red.
Translation follows in blue.
Instructions and explanations are in black.
allähu akbar allähu akbar
Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.

ash-hadu allä iläha illalläh
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship save Allah.

ash-hadu anna muhammadarrasülulläh.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

hayya ‘alassalä
Come to Prayer.

hayya ‘alal-faläh
Come to prosperity.

qad qämatissalä. qad qämatissalä.
The Prayer is ready. The Prayer is ready.
allähu akbar allähu akbar
Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.

lä iläha illalläh.
There is none worthy of worship save Allah.