Anxiety of the Rebels Upon the Return of the Pilgrims
The anxiety and ebullition of the rebels knew no bounds when the odd one or two people – who were returning after having completed hajj – began to enter Madinah; they were certain that now the time for their judgement had drawn very close. After performing hajj, Mughirah bin Al-Akhnas was the first person who entered Madinah in order to gain the spiritual reward of jihad. As soon as he arrived, the rebels received news that the army of Basrah, which was coming to help the Muslims, had reached Sirar, which was only at a journey of one day from Madinah. Overwhelmed by this news, the rebels decided that it was now vital that they fulfil their objective at all costs. Those companions and their friends who had refused to relinquish their protection of Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) despite his prohibition and those who had plainly said, “How will we face God the Exalted if we desert you despite having the strength in our arms to fight?” were now standing guard from inside the house due to their small number. Hence, it was not difficult for the rebels to reach the door. The rebels collected piles of wood outside the door and set light to them, so that the door would burn down and they could find an entrance into [the house]. Upon observing this, the companions deemed it inappropriate to remain inside and they desired to step out swords in hand. However, Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) stopped them from doing so and said:
“What more can there be than setting the house on fire? Whatever was to happen has now happened. Do not put your lives in danger and return to your homes. These people only harbour enmity against myself, but soon, they shall be remorseful for their doing. I absolve every person of his duty who is obliged to obey me and give up my right upon him.”1
However, the companions as well as others did not accept this and stepped out swords in hand. As they were coming out, Hazrat Abu Hurairah(ra) arrived as well and joined them even though he was not the kind of person to engage in battle. Abu Hurairah(ra) said, “What battle can be superior to the battle of this day?”
Then he looked towards the rebels and said:

“O my people, why is it that I call you towards salvation and you call me towards the Fire.”