Hazrat Uthman Clears Himself of All Charges
Then Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) said:
“These people have mentioned certain things which you are aware of as well. However, their plan is to debate with me on these issues so that they can return and say, ‘We engaged in a debate with ‘Uthman regarding these matters and he has been defeated.’ These people allege that whilst on journey, I offered the prayer in full but the Holy Prophet(sa) used to perform qasr1 whilst on journey.2 However, it was only in Mina where I offered the prayer in full and even that was due to two reasons: firstly, because I owned property there and I had married there; secondly, because I came to know that in those days people had converged for the hajj and the uneducated from among them would begin to say that the Khalifah only offers two rak’at3 so there must only be two rak’at in the prayer. Is this not true?”
The companions replied, “Yes this is correct.” Then Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) said:
“The second allegation that they raise is that I have introduced the innovation of establishing public pastures, although this is a false accusation. Pastures were established before me. They were introduced by Hazrat ‘Umar(ra) and I have only made them more spacious due to the growing number of camels which are given in alms. Then, the land designated for public pastures is not the wealth of anyone. I have no benefit in this; I have only two camels, whereas at the time when I became Khalifah I was more wealthy then all the Arabs. Now I only have two camels which I have kept for hajj. Is this not true?”
The noble companions affirmed, “Indeed, it is.” Then Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) said:
“They say that I appoint comparatively young men as governors, even though I only appoint such individuals as governors who posses virtuous attributes and manners. Holy men before me appointed even younger people as governors than those appointed by me. Far more objections were raised against the Holy Prophet(sa) for appointing Usamah bin Zaid as the General of an army than are now being raised against me. Is this not true?”
The companions responded, “It is true. These people raise objections before the people but hide the real events.” In this manner Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) stated all the objections one by one and refuted them one after another. The companions emphatically persisted that they should be executed, but Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) did not agree and released them. Tabari states:

“The rest of the Muslims were adamant on having them executed but Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) could not be convinced in any way to punish them.”4