Status of Hazrat Uthman in the Eyes of the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet(sa) held a great deal of respect for Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra). On one occasion, the Holy Prophet(sa) was lying down when Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) arrived, but the Holy Prophet(sa) remained lying. After some time, Hazrat ‘Umar(ra) arrived, but again, he remained lying. When Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) arrived, he instantly adjusted his clothes and said, “There is a great deal of modesty in the disposition of Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra), and it is in consideration of his feelings that I have done this.”1 He was one of those rare men who had never consumed alcohol and had never approached adultery even prior to accepting Islam. In the country of Arabia, where drinking alcohol was thought to be a source of pride and adultery a daily indulgence, these were qualities which could not be found in more than a handful of people before Islam. Therefore, Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) was no ordinary man. He possessed very high moral qualities. With respect to worldly rank he was exceptional. He was the foremost in Islam. The Holy Prophet(sa) was very pleased with him. Hazrat ‘Umar(ra) has declared him as being among the six men who, up to the demise of the Holy Prophet(sa), held his utmost pleasure. Furthermore, he was from among the ‘asharah mubashsharah,2 meaning he was one of those ten men about whom the Holy Prophet(sa) had given the glad tiding that they would enter paradise.3
For about six years after he took up the office of Khilafat, no disorder of any kind arose. In fact, people were generally very pleased with him. After this, conflict suddenly arose which steadily grew so large that it could not be stopped by the efforts of any individual. Ultimately, this proved to be extremely injurious for Islam. Thirteen hundred years have passed, but its effects upon the Muslim ummah have not died away to this day.