The Qur’anic reference is given as chapter:verse.
Chapter 1: Islamic Beliefs
1. Faith:
Allah increased believers’, 48:5-6
Great power of, 7:126
2. Prayer:
A better livelihood and peace, 2:127
Averting punishment, 25:66-67
Blessings of, 26:84-90; 7:157; 23:30; 7:150
Divine help, 54:11
Essence of Islam, 2:154
Forgiveness, 2:292; 23:110; 28:17; 7:156; 7:24
Gratitude for Divine blessings, 46:16
Guide to success, 47:6
Way to reach Allah, 51:57
3. Repentance
Allah accepts true, 42:26; 9:104-106
Seek forgiveness and, 11:4, 91; 2:161, 187
Whose repentance accepted, 2:187; 4:18; 66:9; 16:120
Possible at all times, 3:90
4. Personal Reformation
Convert evil tendencies into good, 25:71
Doing good after repentance, 25:72
For righteousness and restraint, 29:46
The Greater Jihad, 36:46
Strive for purification, 2:286,287
5. Spiritual Values
Fear of Allah, 65:3
Simple life, 29:65; 87:17-18
Worship, 2:22; 51:57
Chapter 2: Women’s Issues
1. Women
Creation of, 4:2
Dowries for, (rules regarding), 4:5
Enjoined to cover beauty in public, 24:32
Equality with men in Islam, 33:36
Marriage with disbelieving, 4:26
Rights of, 4:4-5
Rights in marriage of, protected, 58:2-3
Spiritual equality of, 3:196
Treatment of, 4:20-22
Chapter 3: Islamic Marriage System
1. Husband and Wife
Beneficence between, 2:238
Binding covenant, 4:22
Confining women guilty of misbehavior, 4:16
Divorced/Widows rights, 2:241; 65:2,7
Equal treatment of wives, 4:130; 33:5
Garments for each other, 2:188
Idolaters are forbidden, 2:222; 60:11-12
Marriage forbidden with, 4:23-25
Marriage is a permanent relationship, 4:25
Marrying only one, 4:4, 130; 33:5
Mate of the same species, 7:190; 16:73; 30:22; 42:12;
Men guardians over women, 4:35
Object of, 2:224
Obligatory, subject to means, 24:33-34
Permission to marry four, 4:4
Reciprocal rights and obligations, 2:229; 4:20
Remarriage, 2:233,235-236
Source of comfort, 7:190
Spiritual equality, 3:196; 33:36; 57:13
2. Dower
Dower on marriage prescribed, 4:25
Substitute for dower, 2:227
Wife may remit dower, 4:5
3. Cohabitation
Forbidden, 2:188,198,223
Object of cohabitation, 2:224
Chapter 4: Daily Life of Muslim Women
1. Virtues
Chastity, 17:33; 23:6-8; 33:36
Cleanliness, 2:223; 4:44; 5:7;
Controlling anger, 3:135
Cooperation, 5:3
Courage, 2:178; 9:40; 33:40
Doing good, 2:196; 5:94; 7:57
Enjoining good and forbidding evil, 3:111
Excelling in doing good, 2:149
Faithful discharge of trusts, 4:59; 2:284; 23:9
Feeding the hungry, 76:9; 90:15-17
Forgiveness, 2:110; 3:135,160; 14:8
Giving true evidence, 4:136; 5:9; 25:73
Good treatment of employees, 4:37
Good treatment of neighbors, 4:37
Good treatment of relatives, 2:178; 16:91; 30:39
Gratefulness, 3:145; 5:7,90; 14:8
Humility, 6:64; 17:38; 28:84
Justice, 5:9; 6:153; 16;91
Making peace, 4:115; 49:10
Patience, 11:12; 13:23; 42:44
Perseverance, 13:23; 41:31-33
Purity, 2:223; 5:7; 9:103,108
Self-Control, 4:136; 30:30; 18:29
Sincerity, 39:3-4; 98:6; 107:5-7
Truthfulness, 4:136; 5:120; 9:119
Unselfishness, 11:52; 59:10; 64:17
2. Vices
Adultery, 77:33
Arrogance, 2:35,88; 4:174; 7:37
Backbiting, 49:13
Boasting, 57:24
Defamation, 49:12
Derision, 49:12
Despair, 39:54
Envy, 113:6
Extravagance, 7:32; 17:27-28
Following that of which one has no knowledge, 17:37
Haughtiness, 17:38; 23:47; 31:19
Giving short measure, 83:2-4
Nicknaming, 49:12
Niggardliness, 4:38; 47:39, 59:10
Perfidy, 4:106, 108; 8:28, 59
Suspicion, 49:13
Telling lies, 22:31; 25:73
Theft, 5:39
Holy Qur’an with commentary. Trans.& Ed. Malik Ghulam Farid. Fourth printing. U.K. Islam International Publ.,1992.
Holy Qur’an with commentary. 5 volumes. Trans. & Ed. Malik Ghulam Farid. U.K. Islam International Publ.,1988.
Gardens of the Righteous. Hadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet). Trans. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. U.K. Curzon Press, 1980.
Adamson, Iain. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. United Kingdom: Elite International Publications, 1989.
—– A Man of God. The Life of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV. United Kingdom:Elite International Publications. George Shepherd Publishers, 1990.
Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam. Commentary on Sura Fatiha.Trans. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Vol.1, U.K. London Mosque.
—– The Essence of Islam. Trans. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. 2 vols. U. K.: Ahmadiyya Centenary Publ., 1981.
—– How to Get Rid of the Bondage of Sin. Pakistan: Ahmadiyya, Foreign Missions Office, Publ.,1979.
—– Jesus in India
—– Our Teachings. (Kishti Nuh)
—– The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. U.K. Ahmadiyya Centenary Publ.,1979.
—– The Will. Translation. Washington D.C., Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.
Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud. Ahmadiyyat, or the True Islam. Trans. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Pakistan: Ahmadiyya Foreign Missions, 1972.
—– Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur’an. U.K., London Mosque, 1985.
—– Invitation to Ahmadiyyat. Trans. Q.M. Aslam. U.K., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
—– Life of Muhammad. U.K., Islam International Publications, 1980.
—– Muhammad, the Liberator of Women. Pakistan, Ahmadiyya Foreign Missions.
—– Remembrance of Allah. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1993.
—– Way of the Seekers. Trans. A.M. Aslam & Ch. M. Ali. Washington, DC., Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.
Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Tahir. Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1993.
Ahmad, Maulana Sheikh Mubarak. Islam on Marital Rights. U.K., The London Mosque.
Ahmad, Waheed. A Book of Religious Knowledge. Canada, 1988.
The Ahmadiyya Donation System. Pamphlet, Washington D.C.
Ahmed, Tayyba Seema. A Study of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Exposition of Jihad. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1993.
Baveja, Malik Ram. Women in Islam. New York, Advent Books, 1981.
Chaudri, Rashid Ahmad. Islamic Festivals and Ceremonies. Second edition. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1988.
—– The Words of Wisdom and Purification. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1992.
Hadi, Sheikh Abdul. Basics of Religious Education. Canada, 1994.
Hymayun, Aruf. Islam, the Summit of Religious Evolution. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1992.
Khan, Muhammad Zafrulla. Ahmadiyyat, the Renaissance of Islam. U.K., Tabshir Publications, 1978.
—– Islamic Worship. U.K., The London Mosque, 1970.
—– Muhammad, Seal of the Prophets. U.K., Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.
—– Punishment of Adultery in Islam. U.K., The London Mosque.
—– Punishment of Apostasy in Islam. U.K., The London Mosque.
—– Wisdom of the Holy Prophet. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1988.
—– Woman in Islam. Ed. Tabligh Dept. Michigan, Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, 1995.
Munir, Nooruddin. Ahmadi Muslims. Pakistan, Lajna Imaillah.
Orchard, Bashir Ahmad. Life Supreme. Canada, Islam International Publ., 1993.
Pronouncements of the Promised Messiah. Trans. Naseeem Saifi. 2 vols. Rabwah, Pakistan, Tahrike Jadid. West Africa, The Islamic Literature.
Rules and Regulations of Tahrike Jadid Anjuman Ahmadiyya. Pakistan, Tahrike Jadid Anjuman Ahmadiyya.
Salaat, the Muslim Prayer Book. Ed. B.A. Rafiq. U.K., Islam International Publ., 1994.
So Said the Promised Messiah. Trans. Naseem Saifi. Pakistan, Tahrike Jadid.
These books are publications of the Ahmadiyya Movement and should be available from your local Jamaat or from the National Headquarters.