If we review the Holy Qur’an, we find a different concept and meaning of Khataman-Nabiyyin. To say that the belief that the Holy Prophet’s(sa) teachings are comprehensive, final and perfect is based on the faith in Khatamiyyat is not correct, because there are many verses in the Holy Qur’an, apart from the Khatamiyyat of the Holy Prophet(sa), from which we can deduce this conclusion. For example, we read:

This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion. (Surah al-Ma’idah, 5:4)
In this verse, we note that the perfection of religion has been claimed. In another verse, preservation of the integrity and purity is assured.
The noble attributes of the Holy Prophet(sa) are not confined to Khatamiyyat alone. He had numerous other characteristics and attributes that are explained to us in the Holy Qur’an and we can also deduce them from the ahadith.
With regards to the claim of perfection of religion, we do not differ from our opponents. The Promised Messiah(as) writes:
The Holy Qur’an makes this claim:

That is, I have perfected My faith for you, and have completed My favours upon you and I have declared Islam as your faith. That is, the reality which underlines the word Islam—which Allah the Almighty has Himself explained—should be firmly established among the Muslims.
This verse has unequivocally stated that the Holy Qur’an constitutes a perfect teaching and that the age in which it was revealed was the most suitable for its revelation. Therefore, the claim to perfection made by the Holy Qur’an is fully justified and befits the Holy Qur’an alone. No other revealed Scripture has made such a claim. (Preface to Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Part 5, Ruhani Khaza’in. vol. 21, p. 4)
To say that whosoever rejects the meaning of Khatamiyyat, as manufactured by them and expressed in the ‘White Paper’, also rejects the Holy Qur’an as being the perfect teaching is wrong and far from the truth. The Promised Messiah(as) further writes:
The expression Khataman-Nabiyyin which has been applied to the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] demands that the Book that was revealed to him, should be the most perfect of all Books and should comprise all excellences. (Malfuzat, vol. 3, p. 36)
What an eloquent expression! He points out that the use of the word ‘khatam’ about the Holy Prophet(sa) demands that the teaching revealed to him should also be ‘khatam’. He further writes:
The Holy Qur’an is a miracle the like of which never was and never will be. The door of its graces and blessings is always open, and it is bright and manifest in every age as it was in the time of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. (Malfuzat, vol. 3, p. 57)
There are many other passages from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as) that can be quoted. For the present, these should suffice. He has conclusively proved that the teachings of the Holy Qur’an stand out as the most perfect of all the revealed scriptures and that its text has been fully preserved. He has discussed the philosophy underlying this claim and has supported his claim with strong evidence and arguments.
Plight of the Ummah Despite the Presence of the Perfect Book
The argument that a Prophet has never been raised except for the four reasons stated in the ‘White Paper’ is utterly baseless. This is rejected by the Holy Qur’an with cogent arguments. About the advent of the Holy Prophet(sa), the Holy Qur’an says:1

The verse states that the Holy Prophet(sa) has been raised from among the unlettered people. The function of the Prophet is described as:
“He recites to them God’s signs.” That is, he draws attention towards the Book that is being revealed to him. Secondly:
“And to purify them.” That is, He has been granted the ability to purify. Thirdly:
‘And teaches them the Book.’ That is, if he were not to teach you the Book you would forget its teachings, and you do not have the ability to understand them without his guidance. He teaches them the laws that govern life, through which man can make progress. Fourthly:
‘The philosophy or wisdom lying behind these teachings.’ It was necessary that the philosophy behind these teachings be explained. If a Divine Book were enough in itself, there would be no need to send the Prophets. People could study and understand the Book on their own. The tablets given to Hazrat Musa(as) [Moses] could have been directly given to the people. Human nature calls for something more. God, in His wisdom and mercy, has provided a living model for the people to emulate in every age.
The Muslims of today may deny the need of a Prophet, but if you compare the Muslims of today with those of the times of the Holy Prophet(sa), you would see a world of difference. What has happened? The Book is the same. The teaching is the same. The answer is obvious. They have no teacher. Nobody is purifying them or teaching them the wisdom. They are not emulating a model. This malady is afflicting the ummah because the mere presence of the Book is not enough.