Huzoor(aba) continued his theme of Friday Sermons - from before last Friday - of inspirational examples of those who experienced great spiritual transformation after accepting and truly adhering to the conditions of bai'at as set by the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).
Citing examples of practical adherence of the fifth condition of bai'at - which is to remain faithful to God under all conditions and circumstances - Huzoor(aba) gave the example of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and his resolute faith at the death of his infant son. Huzoor(aba) also gave examples of other Companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) embracing apparent humiliation for the sake of faith and the honour of Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as did they accept poverty and scarcity in the cause of faith. Huzoor(aba) related Hazrat Umm ul Momineen's (may Allah be pleased with her) demonstration of unyielding patience and fortitude at the time of the death of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Elucidating the practical examples of the 6th condition of bai'at regarding complete submission to the authority of the Holy Quran Huzoor(aba) related the example of the mother of Ch. Zafrulla Khan Sahib who would be utterly uncompromising in matters of innovation in Islam. Huzoor(aba) stressed that ladies in particular should be mindful of steering clear of customs and traditions that are contrary to the Quranic teachings. Huzoor(aba) touched upon giving up the unpleasant habit of smoking and declared participating in lottery akin to gambling.
Huzoor(aba) related the example of Bashir Orchard Sahib who brought about a great revolution in his life when he accepted Ahmadiyyat and developed into a most sincere and devout pillar of the Community. Huzoor(aba) also commented on Khalifatul Masih IV's (rahma'ullah) admonish a few years ago to all those in the Community whose businesses dealt with alcohol in one way or the other to immediately eschew the practice and the subsequent blessings reaped by people in compliance of this admonish.
Huzoor(aba) also gave some examples of African Ahmadis who adhered to the word of Quran to the letter after coming into Islam.
Commenting on adopting the attributes of humbleness, cheerfulness and forbearance as stated in the 7th condition of bai'at Huzoor(aba) gave several examples of the lives of the Companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who demonstrated these qualities despite their high spiritual and scholarly station.
The 8th condition of bai'at specifies holding faith dearer than one's life. Huzoor(aba) said we see examples of this in the current era with children of the Waqf e Nau scheme and said that Inshallah this fervent commitment shall remain alive for always. Huzoor(aba) gave the examples of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) and other Companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who offered tremendous sacrifices for the cause of faith. Huzoor(aba) paid great tribute to Sahibzada Abdul Latif Shaheed as regards fulfilling this particular condition of bai'at and in the august words of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) related that it would be inadequate to denote the spiritual strength of Sahibzada Shaheed even as the highest and the loftiest of mountains. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote that in his death Sahibzada Shaheed had given his Community a towering example of which his Community was in need and that may God enlighten all with the faith of which Sahibzada Shaheed had presented an example of.
Huzoor(aba) concluded by conveying felicitations to the Holy Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in that his Community has today fulfilled his hopes and wishes and has never shied away from sacrifice of life, property and time. Huzoor(aba) conveyed his felicitations to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in that one from his own progeny had had the honour of giving his life for the cause of faith. Huzoor(aba) prayed that may Allah enable us to hold the cause of faith dearer than worldly affairs and that may we keep this fervour alive in our generations to come
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