Du’ä Qunüt
The following supplication is recited during the Vitr Prayer. The Vitr Prayer is offered preferably at the end of the voluntary Tahujjud Prayer before dawn or after the two raka’ät of sunnah after the ‘Ishä Prayer. Vitr Prayer is named so as it consists of three raka’ät. This supplication is offered in the last of the three Vitr raka’ät, during the qiyäm (between rukü and the sajdah) just before sajdah.
The text to be recited in the Prayer and its transliteration are given in red.
Translation follows in blue.
Instructions and explanations are in black.

allähumma innä nasta‘ïnuka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu’minubika wa natawakkalu ‘alaika wa nuthnï ‘alaikal-khaira wa nashkuruka wa lä nakfuruka wa nakhla‘u wa natruku ma(n)yyafjuruka allähumma iyyäka na‘budu wa laka nusallï wa nasjudu wa ilaika nas‘ä wa nahfidu wa narjü rahmataka wa nakhshä ‘adhäbaka inna ‘adhäbaka bil-kuffäri mulhiq.
O Allah, we beseech Thy help and request Thy protection and believe in Thee and trust in Thee and we laud Thee in the best manner and we thank Thee and we are not ungrateful to Thee. And we cast off and forsake him who disobeys Thee. O Allah, Thee alone do we serve and to Thee alone do we pray and make obeisance and to Thee we flee and we are quick and we hope for Thy mercy and we fear Thy chastisement, for surely Thy chastisement overtakes the unbelievers.