It is the sitting posture during Prayer. Tash-shahhud is recited in every sitting after two sajdahs. Durud and prayers from the Holy Qur’an are recited only in the last sitting of a Prayer.
The text to be recited in the Prayer and its transliteration are given in red.
Translation follows in blue.
Instructions and explanations are in black.


attahiyyätu lillähi wassalawätu wattayyibätu
All verbal and physical acts of worship and financial sacrifices are due to Allah.

assalämu ‘alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullähi wa barakätuh
Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

assalämu ‘alainä wa ‘alä ‘ibädillähissälihïn
Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of Allah.
(Raise index finger while repeating this expression)
ash-hadu allä iläha illallähu
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship save Allah.

wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhü wa rasüluh
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle.

allähumma salli ‘alä muhammadi(n)wwa ‘alä äli muhammadin kamä sallaita ‘alä ibrähïma wa ‘alä äli ibrähïma innaka hamidummajïd
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst bless Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted.

allähumma bärik ‘alä muhammadi(n)wwa ‘alä äli muhammadin kamä bärakta ‘alä ibrähïma wa ‘alä äli ibrähïma innaka hamidummajïd
Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted.
Prayers from the Holy Qur’än

rabbanä ätina fiddunyä hasanata(n)wwa fil äkhirati hasanata(n)wwa qinä ‘adhäbannär
Our Lord, bestow on us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and shield us from the torment of the Fire.

rabbij‘alnï muqimassaläti wa min dhurriyyatï rabbanä wa taqabbal du‘ä
My Lord, make me observe Prayer and my children, too. Our Lord, bestow thy Grace on me and accept my Prayer.

rabbanaghfirlï waliwälidayya wa lilmu’minïna yauma yaqümul-hisäb
Our Lord grant forgiveness to me and to my parents and to the believers on the Day of the Reckoning.