Forehead touching the ground, hands flat on the sides, elbows raised up, knees on the ground. There are two sajdahs in each rak’ah. There is a short sitting between the two sajdahs.
Sajdahs or Sujüd
Attain the sajdah posture and repeat the following three or more odd times during the first sajdah:

The text to be recited in the Prayer and its transliteration are given in red.
Translation follows in blue.
Instructions and explanations are in black.

subhäna rabbiyal-a‘lä.
(Repeat three or more odd times)
Holy is my Lord, the Most High.
After the first sajdah, go to the sitting posture, proclaiming:

Allähu akbar.
Allah is the Greatest.
Recite the following prayer during this short sitting between the two sajdahs:

allähummaghfirlï warhamnï wahdinï wa ‘äfinï warfa‘nï wajburnï warzuqnï
O Allah, forgive me, and have mercy on me, and guide me, and grant me security, and raise me up, and make good for me my shortcoming, and provide for me.
Go to the posture of sajdah again to perform the second sajdah while reciting:

allähu akbar.
Allah is the Greatest.
Repeat again three or more odd times during the second sajdah:

subbana rabbiyal-a‘lä.
(Repeat three or more odd times)
Holy is my Lord, the Most High.
Rise to the next posture, qiyam (when it is not the second or the last rak’ah) or qa’dah (when it is the second or the last rak’ah), as the case may be, saying:

allähu akbar.
Allah is the Greatest.