The Quranic terminology of “Doomsday” is much wider and varied in application compared to other scriptures. There are many prophecies in The Holy Quran regarding some epoch-making future events like great revolutions and upheavals. All these are referred to by the same term Al-Qiyamah, which does covers what is commonly understood by the expression “Doomsday” as to an end of the entire mankind. The Holy Quran does not employ the term entirely in the same sense. The earth, according to it, is a small part of the vast universe. A great upheaval of gigantic global dimension can create vast destruction, wiping out all life from the face of the earth itself. Yet, it does not imply that the entire earth itself will be completely annihilated nor can it result in the total annihilation of the entire universe. Thus there is no room in Islam about Dooms Day predictions and causing disorder among people to give up their jobs, donate monies to Dooms Day leaders etc.