by Farhan Iqbal and Shahrukh Rizwan Abid
Why are there so many prayers in Islam? Is Islam a misogynistic faith? Is it possible to be good without God? How do I know that I am forgiven? How do I tackle depression? What is the purpose of life?
These and several other questions about faith, Islam, and Ahmadiyyat have been answered in this book. The more we learn about Islam, the more we see the beauty behind its every teaching. It is curiosity that entices such questions and helps us understand the reasoning behind fundamental concepts. It is absolutely necessary for spiritual growth.
The Quest of a Curious Muslim aims to respond to the most frequently asked questions that have been brought to the attention of the authors over the past several years in the field as Imams. Effort has been made to keep the responses simple and easy to follow. The answers stem from verses of the Holy Quran, Ahadith, writings of the Promised Messiah(as) and Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat.