Tehrik-e-Jadid and Sacrifices of Our Elders
November 1934 to October 1953
Under Divine guidance in 1934, Hazrat Musleh Maud, Khalifatul Masih II introduced
a scheme called "Tehrik-i-Jadid" (New Scheme). The primary purpose of this
scheme is to open new missons and construct mosques around the world.
In his November 5th 2004 Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) said:
light of a discourse by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh), Huzur(aba) urged
the families of the five thousand individuals who made immense sacrifices in
the first daftar (1934 to 1953) of the scheme to continue to pay on their behalf and to never
let their ‘accounts’ close. Huzur(aba) explained that
Allah has subsequently greatly endowed these families and it should be fairly
easy for them to continue to pay on behalf of their elders. Huzur(aba) said
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) had
reinstated 3,400 such accounts but some have since fallen behind. He urged
families to pay directly to Rabwah so that a record can be maintained. Huzur(aba) also
said that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) had
taken personal responsibility of 1000 old accounts at the rate of Rupees 5
each, and had pledged that his family would continue the tradition. Huzur(aba) directed
that he was given details of the remainder unclaimed ‘old accounts’ and
that he would take responsibility of these and hoped that in future his family
is enabled to carry it on.
Tehrik-e-Jadid List
Download the list of First Five-Thousand (5000) in pdf contributors
to Tehrik-e-Jadid (Daftar Awal): List in English or Urdu