1:15 During the lifetime of the Promised Messiah(as) there were some converts from Afghanistan, and they were martyred and the Promised Messiah(as) said this has brought a curse on the land of Afghanistan. Are the current problem a direct result of those prayers?
8:27 We believe that Khalifa is elected by Allah, how can we prove this to the people outside of Jama’at?
11:35 What is the difference between religions and cults?
13:21 Building schools and hospitals in Liberia
15:47 There is sharp contrast between the current practices of Islamic countries and Quranic teachings of punishment.
19:15 Situation in Zimbabwe
37:44 Some people from Africa feel alienated from Islam because of its origin in Middle East?
43:15 What are Islamic principles of bringing up children?
46:52 What advice can you give to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone for the current situation?
54:11 Jesus Christ prayed to Allah before he was put on the cross. Why did Allah allow him to be put on the cross?
56:04 There is a view in the Western world that economic hardship of most of the third world countries is because they are over populated.