Q1 1:45 Question about naming children, we can name them in Arabic like Yaqoob but can we name them Jacob?
Q2 5:50 Do we have to sleep in order to pray Tahajjud? Is Tahajjud a collective prayer or individual?
Q3 10:52 If the deceased body is donated for the scientific research, what happens after its use?
Q4 13:33 Are we the only people who accept the Promised Messiah(as) and those who do not will not go to heaven?
Q5 21:19 Can you shed some light on the soul before the creation under Islamic teachings?
Q6 30:34 How does one know if something happened due to lack of effort on the person’s part or fate?
Q7 37:00 When I was growing up I heard that Eve was created from the rib of Adam, is that true?
Q8 41:00 I use the name of my step-father and I’m thinking of changing it. Is it Islamic to carry the name of step-father?
Q9 48:03 If a woman converts to Islam from a different tribe and religion, can a Muslim marry her?
Q10 54:00 Why did the group called Lahori Ahmadi split from us and what are the doctrinal differences?