A Virtual mulaqat from Islamabad, Tilford with the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) and new converts from Germany. Recorded on January 3, 2021.
Q1: Huzoor my parents are against me due to accepting Ahmadiyyat. How can I be kind to parents while being devoted to Jamat, they are also against my scarf?
Q2: A convert from Pakistan living in Germany shared her incident of accepting Ahmadiyyat and requested for prayers?
Q3: How can I increase concentration in prayer?
Q4: How can I know if my dream has a deeper meaning and is not a result of my imagination?
Q5: What is Huzoor’s guidance on the vaccination for Corona virus?
Q6: Due to the present situation we can not go to the mosque, how can we maintain a spiritual environment at homes?
Q7: My younger daughter is very mischievous how can I make her a good Ahmadi Muslim?