A regular sitting of Arabic speaking friends with Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV(rh). Session no. 74, recorded on 22nd August 1995 in English and Arabic.
00:00:0 Introduction in Arabic
00:00:18 Question in English: Question: If a woman is unhappy with her marriage and does not want to live with her husband, can she be forced to live with husband? ** Egyptian law force the wife to live with husband in this situation.
00:00:42 Answer in English
00:01:40 Arabic Translation
00:02:40 English: Answer continue
00:05:18 Arabic Translation
00:06:45 English: Answer continues
00:09:18 Arabic Translation:
00:11:40 English: Question: Who has the right to have the children after divorce?
00:11:48 English: Answer begins
00:16:12 Arabic Translation:
00:19:22 English: Question: Why does a Muslim man allowed to marry a non-Muslim woman but a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man?
00:19:51 English: Answer begins
00:23:05 Arabic Translation:
00:25:47 English: Question: Non-muslim says that Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) crossed the limit of four wives and had nine wives and when she married Hazrat Aisha (R.A) she was nine years old?
00:27:51 Arabic Translation
00:29:51 English: Answer continue
00:36:41 Arabic Translation
00:39:30 English: Answer continue
00:44:13 Arabic Translation
00:46:19 English: Answer continue Huzoor added Marriage of Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Zaid.
00:52:34 Arabic Translation