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This Week With Huzoor – 10 January 2025

10 Jan 2025

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a mulaqat with members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya from the South East region of the USA.

In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) spoke regarding the expedition to Banu Fazarah.

0:00 – Intro.
0:32 – Introduction of Mulaqat with members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya from the South East region of the USA.
1:17 – How can we explain to the youth to take pride in their Ahmadi Muslim identity?
4:26 – What carries more weight on the day of judgment; our good deeds or our faith?
7:10 – How can we encourage Khuddam to do Tabligh?
10:29 – How can the youth choose a career path that aligns with both personal passion and service of humanity?
12:14 – Western countries are implementing tougher immigration policies and only permitting skilled workers. What is Huzoor’s(aba) view on this?
14:37 – Regarding Durood Shareef, we make a distinction between the people of the Holy Prophet(sa), and the people of Prophet Abraham(as). Why do we do this?
21:31 – Huzoor(aba) mentioned that the destiny and objective for Ahmadi’s is to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat. How should we prepare for this?
23:22 – The delegation is granted a group photo with Huzoor(aba) and receive the gift of pens.
23:41 – Friday Sermon Clip, 10 January 2025 – False narration of the killing of Ummi Qirfah.