Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his helper) presides over Virtual Amla Meetings in Australia and Nigeria.
1:30 Exercise regime of the Safee Domme members of the Ansar (aged between 40-55) and instructed greater emphasis on cycling.
3:15 Tarbiyat plan and the responsibility to train one’s children.
5:15 The importance of reading and continuing to learn aspects of the Holy Quran no matter what age one may be.
7:20 Marriage issues and increased divorce rates, and the what role Ansarullah can play.
12:12 Divine punishments and the reason the world fails to recognize Imam of the age.
17:40 Guidance for Khuddam Amila of Nigeria.
18:40 Friday Sermon – continues about the life of Hazrat Usman(ra).