Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Atfal and Khuddam from Switzerland
In the Friday Sermon Huzoor prayed for the current state of the world.
0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Atfal & Khuddam from Switzerland.
1:21 – Why does Satan attempt to lead us to the wrong path?
4:00 – What would be the effect on the world due to Palestine-Israel conflict?
5:03 – Will memories from the past life be remembered in paradise and what will life be like in paradise?
6:31 – How can we fulfil the pledge of being ready to serve our faith in daily life?
8:26 – What is your view on the future of Islam and Ahmadiyyat in Switzerland?
10:46 – Did hell exist before Ibis’ disobedience to Allah the Almighty?
12:45 – If the Qur’an contains healing, then why do we give preference to medicine?
16:25 – What does Huzoor give most importance to in his daily life?
17:29 – How can we read the books of our Jama’at with a true passion?
18:59 – How can I prepare myself as I enter Majlis Ansarullah?
21:00 – Friday Sermon Clip 20 October 2023 – Prayers for the current state.