Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) presides over two virtual mulaqats in Germany, with members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) launched a new Ahmadiyya Turkish internet radio station after the Friday prayers.
1:22 – What were Huzoor’s(aba) emotions regarding Jalsa UK?
3:09 – What impact will the Afghanistan war have on the rest of the world?
6:10 – What changes has Huzoor(aba) felt due to COVID-19?
10:00 – Due to COVID so many issues have risen at home, so what is the solution to this?
13:37 – Huzoor’s(aba) concluding remarks.
16:44 – Huzoor(aba) enquiring about the weather conditions.
17:54 – Will the land of Kabul find peace, and if so, how will this be?
20:44 – What are Huzoor’s(aba) views about upcoming elections in Germany?
23:32 – What is the first place Huzoor(aba) would visit if he goes to Rabwah?
25:17 – If one sees a Khalifa in a dream, can he assume that it is a true dream?
28:20 – Huzoor’s remarks about the patience of Khuddam and withstood the rain.
29:47 – Huzoor e Anwar(aba) speaking to Sadr Khuddam about Alam-e-Inami.
31:46 – Friday Sermon, launch of Ahmadiyya Turkish Internet Radio Station.