بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِِ

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This Week With Huzoor – 31 January 2025

31 Jan 2025

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a mulaqat with Khuddam from Germany and the National Amila members and Presidents of Lajna Imaillah Switzerland.

In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) highlighted the Holy Prophet’s (saw) treatment of transgressors.

0:00 – Title Sequence.
0:32 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Khuddam from Germany and Lajna from Switzerland.
1:23 – Huzoor(aba) advises how to comfort a daughter of a Martyr.
2:22 – How can a Waqf-e-Nau fulfil their obligations?
3:34 – Khuddam in Munich live far from a Mosque, how can we address this challenge?
4:40 – Mulaqat concludes and the delegation is granted a photo with Huzoor(aba).
4:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with the National Amila members and Presidents of Lajna Imaillah Switzerland.
5:09 – Guidance on how to deal with members who do not attend events?
5:48 – When questioned, some members say “its between us and Allah”, how can we address this?
9:12 – The majority of people in Switzerland state they do not want unsolicited mail, is it then appropriate that Jamaat members often post Tabligh leaflets?
13:05 – Some youth do haram activities in order to integrate in to society, how can we address this?
15:26 – The West excel’s in science, technology, etc. despite moving away from God. Is this a reward or trial from Allah?
18:31 – How can Ahmadi Muslim women serve Islam whilst maintaining modesty?
22:26 – Can Lajna give speeches in segregated Jamaat gatherings?
23:20 – Can a woman do Wassiyat without the consent of her parents or husband?
24:25 – Can missionaries who teach the Holy Quran ask for payment?
25:08 – We have tried to base our programmes on feedback from Lajna, but it has not been successful. What can we do in this regard?
27:06 – Sadr Lajna seeks Huzoor’s(aba) guidance on difficulties faced by the Rishta Nata department.
28:49 – Friday Sermon Clip, 31 January 2025 – The Holy Prophet’s (saw) treatment of transgressors.