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This Week With Huzoor – 7 February 2025

7 Feb 2025

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V(aba)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) presides over a mulaqat with doctors and medical professionals from various countries and the Majlis-e-Amila of Jama’at Ahmadiyya Canada.

In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) appealed for prayers in light of the dire circumstances of the World.

0:00 – Title Sequence.
0:32 – Introduction of Mulaqat with doctors and medical professionals from various countries and the Majlis-e-Amila of Jama’at Ahmadiyya Canada.
1:26 – How can we handle end of life discussions with families?
3:01 – How can we mentor and inspire the next generation of Ahmadi youths to pursue medicine?
4:47 – In the Holy Quran, it mentions that many of a person’s thoughts come from the heart, what is Huzoor’s(aba) view on this?
6:34 – How can we reconcile miraculous healing to those who are not believers?
9:16 – In ‘Invitation to Ahmadiyyat’, it states one of the signs of the latter days would be an increase in sudden deaths due to weakness of nerves. How can we work on our nerves?
11:00 – What is Huzoor’s thoughts on using animal organs in humans?
11:52 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Majlis-e-Amila of Jama’at Ahmadiyya Canada.
12:20 – Guidance to National Secretary Tabligh to further expand their efforts.
13:41 – Huzoor(aba) mentions a recent interview with Ameer Jamaat Canada, where he explains how he converted to Ahmadiyyat.
15:34 – Huzoor(aba) reminds the Umoor-e-Aama Secretary of his wide range of responsibilities.
17:09 – Huzoor(aba) enquires about the age range of the attendees.
17:58 – Huzoor(aba) emphasises the importance of honesty to the Wasaya Secretary.
18:59 – Huzoor(aba) advises the Secretary Ta’limul Qur’an and Waqf-e-Arzi.
19:34 – Huzoor’s guidance regarding some Ahmadi’s who use foul language on social media.
20:29 – Huzoor’s guidance to the Secretary Taleem regarding Artificial Intelligence.
22:00 – How can we establish long term planning for the future?
23:29 – If members declare less income than they earn, what should we do in this situation?
25:10 – The Secretary Maal asks about Jamaat’s who reduce their budgets from the previous year.
28:39 – Friday Sermon Clip, 7 February 2025 – Prayers in light of the dire circumstances of the World.