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By the Grace of Allah, after substantiating the possibility of continuation of prophet-hood and proving from many verses of the holy Quran that the prophet-hood has not ended and Allah can send prophets whenever and wherever He pleases, we now come to the 2nd question, i.e., the need of prophet-hood in this age and prove from the holy Quran that we really need a prophet to deliver Muslim Ummah in particular, and whole humanity in general from the present miseries and problems.
Corruption have spread on land and sea because of what men's hands has wrought, that He may make them taste the fruit of some of their doings, so that they may turn back from evil. [30:42]
This verse mentions the corruption not only in the environment but also in the spiritual world, which is so self-evident these days that no argument or evidence needs to be brought up to authenticate it. Even the worst enemies of Ahmadiyyat recognize that spiritual and religious world has been corrupted.
And hold fast, all together, to the rope of Allah and be not divided; and remember the favor of Allah which He bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became as brothers; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah explain to you His commandments that you may be guided. [3:104]
And be not like those who became divided and who disagreed among themselves after clear proofs had come to them. And it is they for whom there shall be grievous punishment, [3:106]
In these verses Allah has mentioned that at the time of split in the society, Allah reunites them by sending a prophet. We can witness the schism in Muslim Ummah, which calls for a divine reformer.
Allah would not leave the believers in the state in which you are, until He separated the wicked from the good. Nor would Allah reveal to you the unseen. But Allah chooses of His Messengers whom He pleases. Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messengers. If you believe and be righteous, you shall have a great reward. [3:180]
In this verse Allah has mentioned that He shall not forsake the believers at such time when good and wicked both claim to be believers and faithful. He distinguishes between them not by informing every one but by raising a prophet who segregates the pure from the evil. This is the scenario we can see in our midst these days.
According to a tradition mentioned in Tirmadhi, the holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is quoted as saying that in latter days of this Ummah, many catastrophic events shall happen including earthquakes and fall of humans from humanity to the level of mimicking the animals. One of the companions asked that whether these events shall happen even if we have some righteous people amongst us, the holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied “yes! when the wicked shall outnumber the righteous.”
According to the above quoted verse, Allah shall continue to raise such reformers who shall be given the knowledge of unseen. These reformers shall establish a community of righteous Muslims, separating them from those wicked who also claim to be believers and Muslims. This verse also corroborates the tradition of Revivalists which some people repudiate being inconsistent with the holy Quran. The holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) prophesied that Allah shall raise for the sake of this Ummah a reformer in the beginning of every century who shall reform and rejuvenate its religion for it.
The words used by the holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) are that “Allah shall raise”. It wouldn’t happen that any one just raise himself and claim that because I feel so sympathy and concern for this Ummah that I decided to do some reformation and revival for Islam and the Muslims. The wisdom behind raising such reformer once in a century is that in one century three generations are passed. The youngest generation of that time still holds fast to the traditions and values of their previous generation, but they consider the values and teachings of their grand-fathers’ times as invariably obsolete, outdated and unworthy of implementing in this modern world. Now, this is the most appropriate time to show them the validity and effectiveness of those old values and teachings by practically and successfully applying them in this modern age. The Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) wrote in his book “Ishtihar Wajib-ul-Izhar, P-18, Roohani Khazain vol-13:
“The notion of some unwise persons, that I have falsely claimed to be recipient of revelations, is untrue. In fact it is God, the Creator of this universe, Who has done this. When the belief in God is diminishing, a person like me is raised and God speaks to him and shows His wonders through him. Then the people realize that God really exists. I pronounce extensively that if anybody; whether Asian or European, stay with me for some time, then he shall definitely recognize the truth of my claim.”
Allah assures the believers that He is their friend and guardian and that He continues to guide them and take them out from darkness into the light.
Allah is the Friend of those who believe; He brings them out of all kinds of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the transgressors who bring them out of light into manifold darknesses. These are the inmates of the Fire, therein shall they abide. [2:258]
In the following verse Allah has mentioned His procedure of guidance and taking people out of darkness into light. Allah mentions that whenever humanity plunges into darkness, He raises a person and reveals His signs upon him and that person guides humanity from darkness to light.
He it is Who sends down clear Signs to His servant, that He may bring you out of every kind of darkness into light. And, verily, Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to you. [57:10]
“And the messenger will say, O my Lord, my people indeed treated this Quran as thing to be discarded.” (25:31);
The holy Quran was revealed upon the holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and there was no such time in his life when his followers had forsaken the Quran. However, we find in the traditions that there shall come a time upon the Muslims when they shall forsake the Quran.
“Nothing shall be left from Quran except its words”
If we observe the prevalent situation, read the lamentations of our scholars, intellectuals, sages, and divines, we’ll definitely come to the conclusion that this is the age predicted in the traditions when the holy Quran has been forsaken to the hilt. Now the holy Quran is used only for ritualistic recitation, widening the rift and creating schism amongst the Muslims and for false oath-taking in courts.
As the Jews and the Christians denied the prophet-hood of the holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) notwithstanding the fact that their scriptures have overwhelming evidence of his truthfulness, similarly their replicas in this modern age, the so-called Muslim scholars neglected the teachings of the holy Quran and denied the claim of the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him). Allah mentions this attitude in (2:102) as under
“And now when there has come to them a Messenger from Allah, fulfilling that which is with them, a party of the people to whom the Book was given have thrown the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they know it not.”
He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the true Religion, That He may cause it to prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness. [48:29]
This verse shows that the ultimate purpose of revelation of Islam is to prevail it over all other religions. This is a historical fact that though Islam has been made known as the most perfect and sublime religion, but its prevalence is yet to be seen. The commentators of the holy Quran are unanimous over this interpretation that this complete dominance of Islam shall happen through Imam Mahdi
Verily, it is We Who have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We are its Guardians [15:10]
In this verse Allah mentions that He has revealed the Quran and He shall be guarding it Himself. It is manifestly clear that the holy Quran was revealed through a human being and eventually it shall be guarded through humans who shall explain its wisdom in all the ages.
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